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US to Auction Alaska Cook Inlet Blocks in December

机译:美国将于 12 月拍卖阿拉斯加库克湾区块

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The Biden administration could offer more than 220 blocks for oil and natural gas drilling in Alaska’s Cook Inlet at a lease sale to be held just before the end of the year. Up to 224 tracts could be put up for auction at Lease Sale 258 under a proposal unveiled Wednesday by the US Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The blocks lie toward the northern part of the Cook Inlet Planning Area, from Kalgin Island in the north to Augustine Island in the south, and in water depths ranging from 33 to 260 feet. The administration scrapped the sale and with two others earlier this year citing a lack of interest and legal challenges, but was ordered to reschedule them through the passage of the Infl ation Reduction Act .
机译:拜登政府可能会在今年年底前举行的租赁销售中为阿拉斯加库克湾的石油和天然气钻探提供220多个区块。根据美国内政部海洋能源管理局(BOEM)周三公布的一项提案,多达224块土地可以在Lease Sale 258拍卖会上拍卖。这些区块位于库克湾规划区的北部,从北部的卡尔金岛到南部的奥古斯丁岛,水深从 33 英尺到 260 英尺不等。今年早些时候,政府以缺乏兴趣和法律挑战为由取消了这笔交易和另外两笔交易,但被命令通过《减少通货膨胀法》重新安排交易时间。




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