首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology >Spatiotemporal variations in frozen ground and their impacts on hydrological components in the source region of the Yangtze River

Spatiotemporal variations in frozen ground and their impacts on hydrological components in the source region of the Yangtze River


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The source region of the Yangtze River (SRYR), located on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, is an essential part of the Asian Water Tower and plays an important role in the downstream water resources. Significant changes in frozen ground caused by increases in air temperature have been widely reported in the past several decades, which has greatly affected regional runoff. This study evaluated the spatiotemporal variations in frozen ground and hydrological components by utilizing a geomorphology-based eco-hydrological model (GBEHM) and investigated the reasons for runoff changes based on the Budyko framework. The results showed that the area with an elevation range of 4700-4800 m located in the permafrost region was the main source area of runoff generation from 1981 to 2015. Compared with the permafrost region, the seasonally frozen ground (SFG) region had a larger ratio of annual evapotranspiration to annual precipitation, although the aridity indices in the two regions were very similar. From 1981 to 2015, the mean value of the maximum frozen depth of SFG (MFDSFG) decreased by 12.3 cm/10 a and the mean value of the active layer thickness (ALT) of permafrost increased by 4.2 cm/10 a. The annual runoff in the SFG region decreased, while that in the permafrost region increased. Runoff change was more sensitive to precipitation change in the higher altitude regions that were mainly covered by permafrost than in the lower altitude regions that were mainly covered by the SFG, while the evapotranspiration change in the transition zone was more sensitive to climate change. An abrupt change in the annual runoff time series was detected in 1989, 2004, and 2004 in the SFG region, the permafrost region and the entire SRYR, respectively, and the annual runoff change from period 1 (1981 to change point) to period 2 (change point + 1 to 2015) were -25.7 mm, 33.8 mm and 25.8 mm respectively. Frozen ground degradation contributed changes of -15.0 mm, -8.8 mm and -11.6 mm to the annual
机译:长江源区位于青藏高原东部,是亚洲水塔的重要组成部分,在下游水资源中发挥着重要作用。近几十年来,气温升高导致冻土发生显著变化,对区域径流影响很大。本研究利用基于地貌的生态水文模型(GBEHM)评估了冻土和水文成分的时空变化,并基于Budyko框架研究了径流变化的原因。结果表明:1981—2015年,位于多年冻土区海拔4700—4800 m的区域是径流产生的主要来源区。与多年冻土区相比,季节性冻土区年蒸散量与年降水量之比较大,但两区干旱指数非常相似。1981—2015年,多年冻土最大冻结深度(MFDSFG)均值减小12.3 cm/10 a,活动层厚度均值增大4.2 cm/10 a。SFG区年径流量减少,多年冻土区年径流量增加。以多年冻土为主的高海拔地区径流变化对降水变化的敏感度高于以中冻土为主的低海拔地区,而过渡带的蒸散变化对气候变化更为敏感。1989年、2004年和2004年,SFG区、多年冻土区和整个SRYR的年径流量时间序列分别发生突变,从第1期(1981年到变化点)到第2期(变化点+1到2015年)的年径流量变化分别为-25.7 mm、33.8 mm和25.8 mm。冻土退化对年均变化幅度分别为-15.0 mm、-8.8 mm和-11.6 mm。




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