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Advances in table grape breeding in Japan


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In Japan, few grape cultivars related to Vitis vinifera existed 200 years ago, on account of Japan's high rainfall. Many V. labruscana and vinifera cultivars were introduced to Japan in the 19th century. Labruscana was grown instead of vinifera, mainly because of severe disease problems and a high incidence of berry cracking. Grape breeding for table use started in the 20th century, with the goal of combining the berry quality of vinifera with the ease of cultivation of labruscana. By 1945, three strategies were used: 1) crossing among introduced diploid vinifera and vinifera-related cultivars of Japanese origin, 2) interspecific crossing in tetraploid cultivars, and 3) interspecific crossing in diploid cultivars, resulting in 'Neo Muscat', 'Kyoho', and 'Muscat Bailey A'. Later, tetraploid interspecific crossing over generations developed many 'Kyoho'-related cultivars, including 'None', many of which have large berries, intermediate flesh texture between the two species, a labruscan or neutral flavor, and moderate disease resistance. Interspecific diploid crossing over generations developed 'Shine Muscat' in 2006, with large berries, crispy flesh, a muscat flavor, no cracking, seedless fruit by gibberellin application, and moderate resistance to downy mildew and ripe rot.
机译:在日本,由于日本的高降雨,在200年前就很少有与葡萄(Vitis vinifera)有关的葡萄品种。 19世纪日本引入了许多拉布拉斯维亚葡萄和葡萄品种。拉布斯卡纳(Labruscana)代替了葡萄(Vinifera),主要是因为严重的疾病问题和高浆果破裂率。餐桌用葡萄的育种始于20世纪,其目标是将葡萄的浆果品质与拉布拉斯卡纳的易于种植相结合。到1945年,采用了三种策略:1)在引进的日本二倍体葡萄和与vinifera相关的品种之间进行杂交,2)在四倍体品种中进行种间杂交,以及3)在二倍体品种中进行种间杂交,产生了“新麝香猫”,“巨峰” ”和“麝香猫贝利A”。后来,四倍体种间杂交产生了许多与“ Kyoho”相关的品种,包括“ None”,其中许多具有大浆果,两个物种之间的中间果肉质地,labruscan或中性风味以及中等的抗病性。种间二倍体跨越世代发展,于2006年开发出“ Shine Muscat”,具有大浆果,酥脆的果肉,马斯喀特风味,无龟裂,赤霉素施用的无核果实,对霜霉病和成熟腐烂具有中等抵抗力。



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