首页> 外文期刊>Pesticide science >Dissipation rates of insecticides in six minor vegetable crops grown on organic soils in Ontario, Canada

Dissipation rates of insecticides in six minor vegetable crops grown on organic soils in Ontario, Canada




AbstractDissipation rates of diazinon, endosulfan, leptophos, methamidophos, methomyl, parathion and pirimicarb were studied on five minor vegetable crops, including cos and head lettuce, endive, cauliflower and Chinese cabbage. Residues from foliar treatment generally followed an exponential rate of decline. The number of days for residues to drop to below acceptable tolerances was highly dependent on the magnitude of the initial residue; large variations in initial residues were observed between years, between insecticides, and between crop types. Residues of five insecticides and two fungicides used in furrow treatments for onions intended for pickling were determined in the onions at harvest and after pickling. Fensulfothion and fonofos levels were below the accepted tolerance of 0.1 mg kg−1at harvest, while chlorfenvinphos, chlorpyrifos and ethion were present above this level; fungicide residues were not detected. Following pickling, only ethion residues were still present in the onions at levels greater than 0.1 mg kg
机译:摘要 研究了二嗪农、硫丹、钩端磷、甲胺磷、灭多威、对硫磷和嘧啶在椰莴苣、菊苣、花椰菜和大白菜等5种蔬菜作物上的消散率。叶面处理的残留物通常呈指数级下降。残留物降至可接受公差以下的天数在很大程度上取决于初始残留物的大小;在年份之间、杀虫剂之间以及作物类型之间观察到初始残留物的巨大差异。在收获时和腌制后的洋葱中测定了用于腌制洋葱沟处理的五种杀虫剂和两种杀菌剂的残留。芬磺硫磷和磷磷在收获时低于0.1 mg kg-1的公认耐受性,而氯虫磷、毒死蜱和乙硫磷高于这一水平;未检测到杀菌剂残留。腌制后,洋葱中仅存在乙硫磷残留物,含量大于0.1毫克千克




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