首页> 外文期刊>Arthritis and Rheumatism >Epidemiology of gout in women: Fifty-two-year followup of a prospective cohort.

Epidemiology of gout in women: Fifty-two-year followup of a prospective cohort.


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OBJECTIVE: Despite the recent doubling of the incidence of gout among women and its substantial prevalence particularly in the aging female population, the risk factors for gout among women remain unknown. We undertook this study to evaluate purported risk factors for incident gout among women and to compare them with those among men. METHODS: Using prospective data from the Framingham Heart Study, we examined over a 52-year period (1950-2002) the relationship between purported risk factors and the incidence of gout in 2,476 women and 1,951 men. RESULTS: We documented 304 incident cases of gout, 104 of them among women. The incidence rates of gout for women per 1,000 person-years according to serum uric acid levels of <5.0, 5.0-5.9, 6.0-6.9, 7.0-7.9, and > or = 8.0 mg/dl were 0.8, 2.5, 4.2, 13.1, and 27.3, respectively (P for trend < 0.0001). The magnitude of this association was lower than that among men (P for interaction = 0.0002). Multivariate relative risks conferred by increasing age (per 5 years), obesity (body mass index > or = 30 kg/m(2)), alcohol intake (> or = 7 ounces of pure alcohol/week), hypertension, and diuretic use were 1.24, 2.74, 3.10, 1.82, and 2.39, respectively (all P < 0.05), for women. CONCLUSION: These prospective data with long-term followup provide evidence that higher levels of serum uric acid increase the risk of gout in a graded manner among women, but the rate of increase is lower than that among men. Increasing age, obesity, alcohol consumption, hypertension, and diuretic use were associated with the risk of incident gout among women.
机译:目的:尽管最近痛风的发生率在女性中增加了一倍,并且其普遍流行,特别是在老龄女性人群中,但是女性痛风的危险因素仍然未知。我们进行了这项研究,以评估女性中痛风的危险因素,并将其与男性进行比较。方法:我们使用Framingham心脏研究的前瞻性数据,在52年间(1950年至2002年)中检查了2476名女性和1951名男性中声称的危险因素与痛风发生率之间的关系。结果:我们记录了304例痛风事件,其中104例为女性。根据血清尿酸水平<5.0、5.0-5.9、6.0-6.9、7.0-7.9和>或= 8.0 mg / dl,每1000人年女性痛风的发生率分别为0.8、2.5、4.2、13.1 ,和27.3(趋势<0.0001的P)。这种关联的程度低于男性(互动的P = 0.0002)。年龄(每5年)增加,肥胖(体重指数>或= 30 kg / m(2)),酒精摄入量(>或= 7盎司纯酒精/周),高血压和利尿剂使用引起的多元相对风险女性分别为1.24、2.74、3.10、1.82和2.39(所有P <0.05)。结论:这些长期随访的前瞻性数据提供了证据,表明较高的血清尿酸水平以分级的方式增加了女性痛风的风险,但增加的速度低于男性。年龄增加,肥胖,饮酒,高血压和利尿剂的使用与女性患痛风的风险有关。



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