首页> 外文期刊>Asian journal of animal and veterinary advances >Evaluation of Rural Development Activities to Livestock Sector in Turkey: The Case of Ordu, Giresun Provinces

Evaluation of Rural Development Activities to Livestock Sector in Turkey: The Case of Ordu, Giresun Provinces


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In this study, activities to the livestock sector were evaluated as part of the Ordu-Giresun Rural Development Project (OGRDP) and the contributions of these activities to the livestock sector were determined. Project activities such as credit distribution, animal feed distribution, farmer training, rehabilitation of animal house, pasture and meadow management and rehabilitation, livestock production, animal breeding, dairy cattle farming, sheep farming, beekeeping, aquaculture, fodder crops farming,technical applications and better livestock management to livestock sector in OGRDP were implemented. The project created a significant amount of services to target farmers through livestock interventions. As a result of these project interventions, thetarget farmers experienced positive changes. Field demonstrations for fodder crops created interest among farmers and new technologies were adopted. Improved feeding conditions and the introduction of better livestock management practices increased milkyield significantly. In addition, the number of animals per farm increased. As a result, the government should support the farmers to livestock for long term sustainability of the livestock sector in this project area. Continued development of the livestock sector will lead to rural development and enhance sustainability. This should be the overall objective for the government.



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