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A qualitative first look at the Arts for Behavior Change Program: Theater for Health


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This article reports on the process outcomes of the first pilot project of the Arts for Behavior Change (ABC) Program, held in two neighboring shantytowns in Lima, Peru. The ABC Program improved health literacy through the arts to empower communities to identify and adopt healthy behaviors. The ABC Program created Theater for Health, a new approach that integrates theories and practices from the Theater of the Oppressed family of methods with the best practices of health literacy and an evidence-based approach to health. Preliminary findings show a high level of community engagement and empowerment, and intention to change hygiene practices.
机译:本文报告了行为改变艺术(ABC)计划的第一个试点项目的过程结果,该项目在秘鲁利马两个相邻的棚户区举行。 ABC计划通过艺术提高了健康素养,使社区有能力识别和采取健康行为。 ABC计划创建了“健康剧院”,这是一种新方法,它将被压迫剧院方法家族的理论和实践与健康素养的最佳实践以及基于证据的健康方法相结合。初步调查结果表明,社区的参与度和赋权水平很高,并且打算改变卫生习惯。



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