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ATR PLANS to bring the next generation of its turboprop airliner family to market by 2030. The manufacturer announced the ATR EVO in May 2022, promising "advanced design features and a new powerplant with hybrid capability" on the new aircraft.Although it will retain the ATR's characteristic platform, the EVO will also offer "significant improvements in performance, economics and sustainability", the company said, with new engines, propellers and systems/cabin improvements slated for inclusion.The aircraft has 20 improvements in fuel burn, emissions and maintenance costs compared to the current-production ATR 42/72-600 series, the company added. The EVO will offer 100 compatibility with sustainable aviation fuels and 50 less CO_2 emissions compared to a current-generation regional jet. These improvements will enable airlines to serve thin routes more profitably, according to ATR.Stephane Viala, SVP engineering at the Blagnac, Toulouse firm, said: "We have issued a request for information to the main engine manufacturers for the development of the new powerplant that will combine existing and future generation engine technology.
机译:ATR 计划到 2030 年将其下一代涡轮螺旋桨客机系列推向市场。该制造商于 2022 年 5 月宣布了 ATR EVO,承诺在新飞机上配备“先进的设计功能和具有混合动力能力的新型动力装置”。该公司表示,虽然它将保留ATR的特色平台,但EVO还将提供“性能、经济性和可持续性方面的重大改进”,并将包括新的发动机、螺旋桨和系统/机舱改进。该公司补充说,与目前生产的ATR 42/72-600系列相比,该飞机的燃油消耗、排放和维护成本提高了20%。与当前一代支线喷气式飞机相比,EVO 将与可持续航空燃料 100% 兼容,CO_2排放量减少 50%。据ATR称,这些改进将使航空公司能够更有利可图地为薄航线提供服务。图卢兹Blagnac公司工程高级副总裁Stephane Viala表示:“我们已向主要发动机制造商发出信息请求,要求开发将现有和未来一代发动机技术相结合的新动力装置。




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