首页> 外文期刊>Journal of optical technology >Laser mirrors in which the phase of the reflected wave front is variable over the surface of the optical element

Laser mirrors in which the phase of the reflected wave front is variable over the surface of the optical element


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This paper discusses the formation of the wave front of a reflected wave as a function of the character of the thickness distribution of the layers included in laser mirrors. It is shown that, if the thickness of the layers decreases from the center to the edge, a divergent or convergent wave is formed whose radius of curvature is determined by the number, refractive indices, and thicknesses of the layers, as well as by the thickness distribution of the dielectric layer(s) over the surface of the optical element and the number of gradient layers that form the reflecting coating. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.
机译:本文讨论了反射波波前的形成与激光反射镜中包含的层的厚度分布特征的函数。结果表明,如果层的厚度从中心到边缘减小,则形成发散或会聚波,其曲率半径由层的数量、折射率和厚度决定,以及介电层在光学元件表面上的厚度分布和形成反射涂层的梯度层数。(C) 2008年美国光学学会。



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