首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology >Impact of metals on macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Forgotten Stretch of the Rio Grande.

Impact of metals on macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Forgotten Stretch of the Rio Grande.


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The objective of this study was to examine how changes in the benthic macroinvertebrate community structure and a variety of abiotic variables, such as conductivity and sediment metal concentrations, are modified along the Forgotten River stretch of the Rio Grande. This stretch receives industrial effluent, raw sewage, and agricultural return flow from the El Paso (TX, USA)-Ciudad Juarez (CHI, Mexico) metroplex and then flows relatively undisturbed for 320 km before its next significant input. The high degree of use, followed by the 320-km undisturbed stretch, makes the Forgotten River a unique study site to examine downstream attenuation of contaminants and other abiotic variables to determine their potential effects on macroinvertebrates. Five different sites along the Forgotten Stretch were sampled over a 2-year period. Metal concentrations were low throughout the stretch and were predominantly correlated to percent sediment organic matter rather than explained spatially. Several sensitive invertebrate species, such as Leptophlebiidae, increased in relative abundance downstream, whereas the percentage of tolerant invertebrates decreased. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling separated the macroinvertebrate communities upstream from those downstream, with the more sensitive species being found predominantly downstream and more tolerant taxa associated upstream. Additionally, there was a distinct seasonal gradient to the community. The most important drivers of the community assemblage appear to be distance downstream and seasonality, as well as water conductivity and concentrations of sediment cadmium, which was the only metal that exceeded protective criteria. This study did not provide evidence of the downstream attenuation of heavy metals in the sediments in the Forgotten Stretch; however, downstream changes in macroinvertebrates toward more sensitive taxa suggests that other, unmeasured contaminants might be affecting biological communities in this isolated stretch of an international waterway.
机译:这项研究的目的是研究沿格兰德河的被遗忘河沿岸底栖大型无脊椎动物群落结构的变化以及各种非生物变量,例如电导率和沉积物金属浓度。该段从El Paso(美国德克萨斯州)-Ciudad Juarez(墨西哥CHI)大都市接收工业废水,原始污水和农业回流,然后在其下一个重要输入之前相对不受干扰地流动了320 km。高度的利用以及紧随其后的320公里无扰动伸展带,使“被遗忘的河”成为了一个独特的研究场所,可以检查污染物和其他非生物变量的下游衰减,以确定它们对大型无脊椎动物的潜在影响。在2年的时间内,对“被遗忘的伸展带”沿线的五个不同地点进行了采样。在整个拉伸过程中,金属浓度很低,并且主要与沉积物有机质百分比相关,而不是从空间上解释。几种敏感的无脊椎动物物种,如Leptophlebiidae,在下游的相对丰度增加,而耐受性无脊椎动物的百分比下降。非度量多维尺度将上游的无脊椎动物群落与下游的无脊椎动物群落分隔开,主要是在下游发现了较敏感的物种,而在上游发现了更多的宽容类群。此外,社区存在明显的季节性梯度。社区聚集的最重要驱动因素似乎是下游距离和季节性,以及水的电导率和沉积物中镉的浓度,镉是唯一超过保护标准的金属。这项研究没有提供被遗忘伸展带沉积物中下游重金属衰减的证据。然而,大型无脊椎动物的下游向着更敏感的分类单元的变化表明,在这一国际水道的隔离带中,其他无法测量的污染物可能正在影响生物群落。



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