首页> 外文期刊>Bone marrow transplantation >Pubertal development and final height after autologous bone marrow transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Pubertal development and final height after autologous bone marrow transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


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We describe pubertal development and growth in 17 children who underwent bone marrow transplantation (BMT), including total body irradiation (TBI) for ALL. Seven children also received cranial irradiation (CI) and five boys testicular irradiation. All underwent transplantation before (n=15) or at the beginning of (n=2) puberty and reached a final height (FH). Puberty started spontaneously in all boys not given testicular irradiation. All boys who received testicular irradiation developed hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism. Puberty started spontaneously in two girls and was induced with increasing doses of ethinylestradiol in two girls. In two girls, a low dose of ethinylestradiol was given until menarche. In one girl with early onset of puberty and short stature, puberty was blocked with a GnRH analogue. The standard deviation score for height decreased significantly from BMT to FH, both in the children who received TBI only (-1.1, P=0.005) as well as in those given additional CI (-1.7, P=0.027). Most of the loss occurred during puberty. In all, 10 children received growth hormone (GH) treatment. CI, young age at BMT, and short duration of GH treatment were predictors of height loss after BMT. Although limited by the small and heterogeneous sample, our study supports the use of early GH treatment in children with decelerating growth rate and low GH levels.
机译:我们描述了17名接受骨髓移植(BMT)的儿童的青春期发育和生长,其中包括ALL的全身照射(TBI)。七个孩子还接受了颅骨照射(CI),五个男孩接受了睾丸照射。全部在青春期之前(n = 15)或开始时(n = 2)进行移植,并达到最终身高(FH)。在所有未接受睾丸照射的男孩中,青春期都是自发开始的。所有接受睾丸照射的男孩都患有性腺功能亢进性腺功能减退症。两个女孩自发地开始青春期,两个女孩中乙炔雌二醇剂量的增加导致青春期开始。在两个女孩中,服用了低剂量的炔雌醇直至初潮。在一个青春期早,身材矮小的女孩中,青春期被GnRH类似物阻断。无论是仅接受TBI的儿童(-1.1,P = 0.005)还是接受额外CI的儿童(-1.7,P = 0.027),身高的标准差得分均从BMT下降至FH。大部分损失发生在青春期。共有10名儿童接受了生长激素(GH)治疗。 CI,BMT的年轻年龄以及GH治疗的持续时间短是BMT后身高下降的预测指标。尽管受样本量的限制和异质性的限制,但我们的研究支持在生长速度下降和低GH水平的儿童中使用早期GH治疗。



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