首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >The effect of an external quantum electric field on the surface plasmons of a nano-system

The effect of an external quantum electric field on the surface plasmons of a nano-system


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In this paper I investigate the effect that a quantized electric field will have on the surface plasmons of nano particle embedded within PBG material and excited by a two-level system. This study will show that when the external field is fully quantized, a new term will contribute to the damping constant of the radiation emitted from the nano particle. This term does not emerge from the system when the electric field is treated classically. Even though this extra term should increase the line width of the light emitted from the system, nevertheless, the overall effect of the external field is to reduce the line width of the emitted light. I also investigate the ability of the system to work as a plasmonic photo-sensor. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.



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