首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture >Effects of starvation on larval growth, survival and metamorphosis of Ivory shell Babylonia formosae habei Altena et al., 1981 (Neogastropoda: Buccinidae).

Effects of starvation on larval growth, survival and metamorphosis of Ivory shell Babylonia formosae habei Altena et al., 1981 (Neogastropoda: Buccinidae).


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The impact of starvation on larvae of Ivory shell Babylonia formosae habei was studied in a laboratory experiment. Newly hatched veligers showed considerable tolerance to starvation due to their endogenous yolk material, and time to the point-of-no-return (PNR; the threshold point during starvation after which larvae can longer metamorphose even if food is provided) was calculated to be 104.5 h. However, starvation still affected larval growth, survival, and metamorphosis. Mean shell length of larvae increased 49.77 micro m day-1 for nonstarved, but only 11.13 micro m day-1 for larvae starved for 108 h. After larvae began feeding, their growth rates rapidly recovered to the level of the nonstarved following short periods of starvation (less than 48 h), but were inhibited and unable to ever reach the level of the nonstarved when being starved beyond 48 h. Percent metamorphosis was 53.75% for the nonstarved, but all larvae died before 10 days for those starved for 108 h. Starvation not only affected larval time to reach metamorphosis, but also caused the delay in the time to metamorphosis. For the nonstarved, larvae took only 11.5 days to reach spontaneous metamorphosis, but they took 20 days to reach spontaneous metamorphosis when starved for 96 h, and this duration of delayed metamorphosis reached 8.5 days. Furthermore, the importance of yolk material for maintaining larval survival of B. formosae habei during starvation periods is also discussed.
机译:在实验室实验中研究了饥饿对象牙壳巴比伦福美花幼虫的幼虫的影响。新孵化的果皮因其内源性蛋黄物质而表现出对饥饿的相当宽容度,并且计算了到达不归巢点的时间(PNR;在饥饿期间的阈值点,此后即使提供食物,幼虫也可以变质)。 104.5小时但是,饥饿仍然影响幼虫的生长,存活和变态。未饥饿的幼虫的平均壳长增加了49.77微米第1天,但饥饿108小时的幼虫的平均壳长仅增加了11.13微米第1天。幼虫开始进食后,它们的生长速度在短时间饥饿(少于48小时)后迅速恢复到未饥饿的水平,但是当饥饿超过48 h时,它们的生长受到抑制,无法达到未饥饿的水平。非饥饿者的变态率为53.75%,但饥饿者在108天前10天所有幼虫死亡。饥饿不仅影响幼虫达到变态的时间,而且导致变态时间的延迟。对于没有饥饿的人,幼虫仅需11.5天即可达到自发性变态,但是当饥饿96小时时,它们只需20天即可达到自发性变态,而这种延迟性变态的持续时间达到8.5天。此外,还讨论了卵黄物质在饥饿期间保持福美双歧杆菌河北幼虫存活的重要性。



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