首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Botany >Effects of point source of untreated sewage waters on seagrass (Zostera marina and Z-noltii) beds in the South-Western Black Sea

Effects of point source of untreated sewage waters on seagrass (Zostera marina and Z-noltii) beds in the South-Western Black Sea

机译:未经处理的污水的点源对西南黑海海草(Zostera marina和Z-noltii)河床的影响

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Tourist development is rapid on the South-West coast of the Black Sea, increasing the pressure on the coastal ecosystem. Zostera marina and Zostera noltii are abundant seagrasses in the Black Sea, but little is known about their sensitivity towards coastal developments. In this study plant nutrient content (N and P), sulphide intrusion, sediment organic matter, pore water pools of nutrients and sulphides, sulphate reduction rates as well as water column nutrients and chlorophyll-a concentrations were studied in a mixed seagrass meadow (Z marina L. and Z noltii Hornem.) located in an area receiving untreated sewage waters from a point source in Sozopol Bay, South-Western Black Sea. In addition, studies included population level metrics like density, biomass and shoot morphology. The point source impacted water quality in the area leading to local nutrient enrichment, development of filamentous macroalgae and reduced water transparency. Although sulphide intrusion was detected in Z. marina and thus indicating existence of sulphide pressure on the plants, there were no significant effects on the seagrass distribution except for Z noltii being absent from the meadows close to the point source. The nutrient levels were low in the plants and in the sediments compared to global 1 marina and Z noltii meadows, but the observed blooms of filamentous macroalgae, increase in sulphide intrusion and higher N contents of the plants during the peak tourist season are signs of eutrophication in Sozopol Bay most likely as a result of increased recreational activity on the coast. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:黑海西南海岸的旅游业发展迅速,加剧了沿海生态系统的压力。 Zostera marina和Zostera noltii是黑海中丰富的海草,但对其海岸发展的敏感性知之甚少。在这项研究中,研究了混合海草草甸(Z)的植物养分含量(N和P),硫化物侵入,沉积物有机质,养分和硫化物的孔隙水池,硫酸盐还原率以及水柱养分和叶绿素a的浓度。码头和Z Noltii Hornem。)位于从西南黑海的Sozopol湾接收未经处理的污水的点源。此外,研究还包括种群水平的指标,例如密度,生物量和枝条形态。点源影响该地区的水质,导致当地营养物质富集,丝状大型藻类的形成和水透明度的降低。尽管在滨海沼虾中检测到硫化物入侵,从而表明植物上存在硫化物压力,但是除了点源附近的草地上没有Noltii以外,对海草分布没有显着影响。与全球1码头和Z noltii草甸相比,植物和沉积物中的营养水平较低,但是在高峰旅游季节观察到的丝状大型藻类开花,硫化物入侵增加和植物中N含量较高是富营养化的迹象。索佐波尔湾最有可能是由于沿海休闲活动增多所致。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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