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Measurement of specific heat and thermal conductivity of supported and suspended graphene by a comprehensive Raman optothermal method


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The last decade has seen the rapid growth of research on two-dimensional (2D) materials, represented by graphene, but research on their thermophysical properties is still far from sufficient owing to the experimental challenges. Herein, we report the first measurement of the specific heat of multilayer and monolayer graphene in both supported and suspended geometries. Their thermal conductivities were also simultaneously measured using a comprehensive Raman optothermal method without needing to know the laser absorption. Both continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed lasers were used to heat the samples, based on consideration of the variable laser spot radius and pulse duration as well as the heat conduction within the substrate. The error from the laser absorption was eliminated by comparing the Raman-measured temperature rises for different spot radii and pulse durations. The thermal conductivity and specific heat were extracted by analytically fitting the temperature rise ratios as a function of spot size and pulse duration, respectively. The measured specific heat was about 700 J (kg K)(-1) at room temperature, which is in accordance with theoretical predictions, and the measured thermal conductivities were in the range of 0.84-1.5 x 10(3) W (m K)(-1). The measurement method demonstrated here can be used to investigate in situ and comprehensively the thermophysical properties of many other emerging 2D materials.
机译:过去十年的快速增长研究二维(2 d)材料,由石墨烯,但他们的研究热物理性质仍远离足够的由于实验的挑战。在此,我们报告的第一次测量比热的多层和单层石墨烯在支持和暂停几何图形。也同时测量使用综合拉曼光热法需要知道激光吸收。连续波(CW)和脉冲激光器基于考虑加热样品,变量激光点半径和脉冲持续时间以及内部的热传导衬底。消除了比较Raman-measured吗对不同的半径和温度上升脉冲持续时间。通过分析提取比热接头温升率的一个函数分别的光斑大小和脉冲持续时间。测量比热是约700 J(公斤K)(1)在室温下根据理论预测,测量热导率的范围0.84 - -1.5 x 10 W (m K)(3)(1)。方法可以用来证明这里研究原位和全面的许多其他新兴的热物理性质二维材料。



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