首页> 外文期刊>Aquatic Mammals >The Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Release of a Stranded Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides sunameri) at Bohai Bay of China

The Rescue, Rehabilitation, and Release of a Stranded Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides sunameri) at Bohai Bay of China

机译:中国渤海湾无鳍海豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides sunameri)的营救,修复和释放

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A stranded female west Pacific finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides sunameri) was found in the shallows of Bohai Bay, China, on 30 March 2008. It was moderately dehydrated. After transportation to Beijing Aquarium, medical treatment and rehabilitation were conducted. Under microscopic examination, the ova of Nasitrema spp. and Zalophotrema hepaticum were found in the feces. This is a new host record for the trematodes Nasitrema spp. and Z. hepaticum infecting a finless porpoise. Antibiotics were administered to prevent secondary infection, while supportive therapies, including fluid and electrolyte supplements, were provided. The porpoise was released on 6 June 2008, approximately 18.5 km offshore in Xingang, Tianjin, China. This is the first report of a rescue, rehabilitation, and release of a stranded marine mammal in Bohai Bay, China.
机译:2008年3月30日,在中国渤海湾的浅水处发现了一条滞留的雌性西太平洋无鳍海豚(Neophocaena phocaenoides sunameri)。运输到北京水族馆后,进行了医疗和康复。在显微镜检查下,Nasitrema spp的卵。在粪便中发现了肝炎和Zalophotrema hepaticum。这是吸虫Nasitrema spp的新宿主记录。和Z. hepaticum感染无鳍海豚。给予抗生素以预防继发感染,同时提供了支持疗法,包括补液和补充电解质。该海豚于2008年6月6日在中国天津新港海上约18.5公里处发布。这是在中国渤海湾救助,修复和释放搁浅海洋哺乳动物的第一份报告。



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