首页> 外文期刊>Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences >Dendrochronological dating of wooden artifacts by measuring the tree rings using magnifying glass and photography-assisted method: an example of a Dutch panel painting

Dendrochronological dating of wooden artifacts by measuring the tree rings using magnifying glass and photography-assisted method: an example of a Dutch panel painting


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Dendrochronology, an analysis of tree rings, is a commonly used method for dating wooden structures in archaeological remains and historical objects. Fascinating subjects of examination are the historical oil paintings on oak panels. Here, we applied a tree ring analysis on three boards of a Dutch painting from the Sinebrychoff Art Museum (Helsinki). Tree rings were measured using the conventional lens-assisted method, in addition to the photography-based approach, where the widths of the rings were determined from digital enlargements of the photos. These two methods produced comparable tree ring series. The lens- and photography-based records of the measured panel exhibited higher agreement with each other than the conventional, lens-based, record against the different master chronologies. Dendrochronological cross-dating against the master chronology showed that the rings of the panel represent the period ad 1413-1620. Cross-dating was attained by comparing the tree ring series of the panel painting with the previously published chronologies obtained from timber transported from the historical ports of the Eastern Baltic Sea to Western Europe. Photography appears as a promising method to be used for dendrochronological investigations of archaeological and historical objects, alongside the conventional methods. We note that the importance of using photographs of tree ring cross sections was highlighted already in the 1930s. In the digital era, the photographic approach shows obvious benefits for archival purposes and remeasuring the rings, with additional future prospects of image processing and analyses.
机译:树木年代学是对树木年轮的一种分析,是对考古遗迹和历史物体中的木结构进行测年的常用方法。令人着迷的检查主题是橡木板上的历史油画。在这里,我们对Sinebrychoff美术馆(赫尔辛基)的三幅荷兰画进行了树轮分析。除了基于摄影的方法外,还使用常规的镜头辅助方法测量树木年轮,其中从照片的数字放大确定树木年轮的宽度。这两种方法产生了可比的树环系列。与传统的基于镜头的记录相比,在不同的主时间顺序上,被测面板的基于镜头和摄影的记录彼此之间的一致性更高。树木年代学与主要年代学的交叉日期显示,面板的圆环代表时期ad 1413-1620。通过将面板绘画的年轮系列与先前发表的从东部波罗的海历史港口运输到西欧的木材所获得的时间顺序进行比较,可以得出交叉日期。摄影是一种有前途的方法,与传统方法一样,可用于考古学和历史物体的年代学研究。我们注意到,在1930年代就已经强调了使用树木年轮横截面照片的重要性。在数字时代,摄影方法显示出明显的优势,可用于存档和修复戒指,以及图像处理和分析的其他未来前景。



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