
Some factors influencing adoption of sheltered dogs


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In Italy the law forbids euthanizing shelter dogs unless they are severely ill or dangerous. This has created a problem: many dogs are housed for long periods of time in shelters. It is important to the welfare of these dogs for us to find methods toincrease successful adoption rates. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different management factors such as the number of dogs in a pen, Temporary Adoption Programs (TAPs), and animal-owner-related characteristics on successful adoptionsof kenneled dogs. The study included 763 dogs, 92 of whom were dogs showing behavioral problems. The age of the dogs upon arrival at the shelter was the most important determinant for length of stay, with younger dogs being adopted faster (Kruskal-Wallis, H = 150.27; df= 3; n = 733; p_ < 0.001). Dogs up to six months of age (n = 73) were adopted more quickly than older dogs (average length of stay: 1.4 vs. 6.4 months). The year of admittance was also significant since dogs who were admitted in a year in which more dogs were brought to the shelter spent more time in the shelter before being re-homed (Kruskal-Wallis, H = 96.18; df= 2; n = 733; p_ < 0.001). Dogs' gender had no effect on length of stay (Mann-Whitney, U = 64563; Z = 0.81; p_ = ns; n1 = 389; n2 = 344). Temporary Adoption Programs had a significant positive effect in reducing the return rate when the final adopter was the same person who had "temporarily" adopted the dog (Fisher exact test, p_ = 0.0063). Return rate was also associated withbehavioral problems. Fearful dogs were returned more often than dogs with other problems (Fisher exact test, p_ = 0.029). It is concluded that, although young age is the most important factor leading to quick adoption, programs which include increased human interaction, and special training for dogs with behavioral problems, could aid in the successful re-homing of shelter dogs.
机译:在意大利法律禁止安乐死避难所狗除非他们是重病或危险。创造了一个问题:许多狗被安置长时间在避难所。为我们这些狗的福利方法增强成功的采用率。本研究的目的是评估的影响不同的数量管理等因素狗的笔,暂时收养程序(水龙头),animal-owner-related特征成功adoptionsof陋室狗。研究包括763条狗,其中92是狗表现出行为问题。在到达住所是最留下来,长度的重要决定因素年轻的狗被采用得更快(克鲁斯卡尔-沃利斯,H = 150.27;0.001)。采用比老狗更快(的平均停留时间:1.4和6.4个月)。年的导纳也是重要的狗人承认更多的一年狗被带到庇护所花了更多的时间在住所被re-homed之前(克鲁斯卡尔-沃利斯,H = 96.18;0.001)。保持(Mann-Whitney U = 64563;n1 = 389;在降低有显著积极的效果呢回报率当最后的采用者是相同的人“暂时”采用了狗(Fisher精确检验,p_ = 0.0063)。也withbehavioral相关问题。比狗狗经常返回其他问题(Fisher精确检验,p_ = 0.029)。得出的结论是,虽然年轻的时候最重要的因素导致快速的采用,计划包括增加人力互动,和特殊训练的狗行为问题,有助于成功re-homing避难所的狗。



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