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Are cows more likely to lie down the longer they stand


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Information on (changes in) standing and lying behaviour of cows can be used for oestrus detection, early diagnosis of disorders and to evaluate welfare consequences of changes in housing and management. Data sets on lying and standing behaviour were collected from cows with IceTagO sensors fitted to the leg. Data were obtained with 10 late-pregnant indoor-housed beef cows (Exp. 1), 19 out-wintered beef cows (Exp. 2) and 44 housed lactating dairy cows that were milked three times daily (Exp. 3). During part of Exp. 1 video footage was recorded to validate the sensor records. Data were analysed with the aims of estimating objective lying and standing bout criteria and to test two hypotheses. These hypotheses were that (i) the probability of cows standing up would increase with the length of time the animal had been lying down and (ii) the probability of cows lying down would increase with the length of time the animal had been standing. A total of 10,814, 39,089 and 9405 lying episodes were recorded by the sensors in Exp. 1-3, respectively. On the basis of log-survivorship plots, frequency distributions of (log-transformed) lying episode lengths and analysis of the correspondence between recorded lying episodes and video footage of lying behaviour, a minimum lying bout criterion of 4min was indicated. Application of this criterion reduced the number of lying episodes by between 62% and 88% in the three experiments, even though this had only minor effects on total estimated lying and standing time (changes between 0.5% and 3.2%). Out-wintered beef cows tended to have fewer but longer lying bouts than the other groups and dairy cows had the shortest total lying time. (11.6, 10.5 and 10.2h/day in Exp. 1-3, respectively). The probability of cows standing up within the next 15min increased (P <0.001) with lying time in all experiments, which was consistent with the first hypothesis. The probability of cows lying down within the next 15min did not significantly increase with standing time. This lack of change in probability was not caused by pooling of data across day and night or across cows with different behavioural strategies. Our second hypothesis was, therefore, refuted because cows were not more likely to lie down the longer they had been standing.
机译:有关奶牛站立和躺卧行为(变化)的信息可用于发情检测,疾病的早期诊断以及评估住房和管理变化带来的福利后果。通过在腿上安装有IceTagO传感器的母牛收集躺下和站立行为的数据集。获得了10头晚孕室内饲养的奶牛(实验1),19头冬季越冬的肉牛(实验2)和44头每天泌乳3次的泌乳奶牛(实验3)的数据。在部分实验期间。记录了1个视频镜头以验证传感器记录。分析数据的目的在于估计客观的卧推和站立回合标准并检验两个假设。这些假设是:(i)牛站起来的概率会随着动物躺下的时间而增加,并且(ii)牛站起来的概率会随着动物站着的时间而增加。 Exp中的传感器记录了总共10,814、39,089和9405个说谎事件。 1-3。根据对数生存图,对数分布(对数转换)的说谎情节长度进行频率分布,并分析所记录的说谎情节与说谎行为的录像片段之间的对应关系,指出了最低说谎标准为4分钟。即使在总的估计躺卧时间和站立时间中只有很小的影响(在0.5%到3.2%之间变化),在三个实验中应用此标准也可将躺卧次数减少62%至88%。与其他组相比,越冬的母牛通常有更少但更长的躺卧时间,而奶牛的总躺时间最短。 (分别在实验1-3中分别为11.6、10.5和10.2h / day)。在所有实验中,母牛在接下来的15分钟内站起来的概率随躺卧时间的增加而增加(P <0.001),这与第一个假设一致。牛在接下来的15分钟内躺下的可能性没有随站立时间而显着增加。这种概率变化的缺乏并不是由白天和黑夜或具有不同行为策略的奶牛之间的数据汇总引起的。因此,我们的第二个假设被驳斥,因为母牛站立的时间越长,躺下的可能性就越大。



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