首页> 外文期刊>Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, Part A. enzyme engineering and biotechnology >The lignol approach to biorefining of woody biomass to produce ethanol and chemicals.

The lignol approach to biorefining of woody biomass to produce ethanol and chemicals.


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Processes that produce only ethanol from lignocellulosics display poor economics. This is generally overcome by constructing large facilities having satisfactory economies of scale, thus making financing onerous and hindering the development of suitable technologies. Lignol Innovations has developed a biorefining technology that employs an ethanol-based organosolv step to separate lignin, hemicellulose components, and extractives from the cellulosic fraction of woody biomass. The resultant cellulosic fraction is highly susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis, generating very high yields of glucose (>90% in 12-24 h) with typical enzyme loadings of 10-20 FPU (filter paper units)/g. This glucose is readily converted to ethanol, or possibly other sugar platform chemicals, either by sequential or simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. The liquor from the organosolv step is processed by well-established unit operations to recover lignin, furfural, xylose, acetic acid, and a lipophylic extractives fraction. The process ethanol is recovered and recycled back to the process. The resulting recycled process water is of a very high quality, low BOD5, and suitable for overall system process closure. Significant benefits can be attained in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, as per the Kyoto Protocol. Revenues from the multiple products, particularly the lignin, ethanol and xylose fractions, ensure excellent economics for the process even in plants as small as 100 mtpd (metric tonnes per day) dry woody biomass input a scale suitable for processing wood residues produced by a single large sawmill.
机译:仅用木质纤维素生产乙醇的工艺显示出较差的经济性。通常可以通过建造具有令人满意的规模经济的大型设施来克服这一问题,从而使融资繁重并阻碍合适技术的发展。 Lignol Innovations开发了一种生物精制技术,该技术采用基于乙醇的有机溶剂步骤从木质生物质的纤维素级分中分离出木质素,半纤维素组分和提取物。所得的纤维素级分对酶水解高度敏感,以10-20 FPU(滤纸单位)/ g的典型酶负载量产生非常高的葡萄糖产量(在12-24小时内> 90%)。通过顺序或同时进行糖化和发酵,该葡萄糖易于转化为乙醇或可能的其他糖平台化学物质。来自有机溶剂步骤的液体通过完善的单元操作进行处理,以回收木质素,糠醛,木糖,乙酸和脂类萃取物馏分。回收过程中的乙醇,并循环回到过程中。所得的循环过程水具有很高的质量,较低的BOD5,适用于整个系统过程的封闭。根据《京都议定书》,减少温室气体排放可取得重大利益。多种产品的收入,尤其是木质素,乙醇和木糖馏分的收入,即使在小至100 mtpd(每天公吨)干燥木质生物量的工厂中,也可确保该工艺具有出色的经济效益,其输入规模适合于处理由单一生产的木材残渣大型锯木厂。



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