首页> 外文期刊>Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. >Changes in the plasmodial surface anion channel reduce leupeptin uptake and can confer drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes.

Changes in the plasmodial surface anion channel reduce leupeptin uptake and can confer drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum-infected erythrocytes.


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Cysteine protease inhibitors kill malaria parasites and are being pursued for development as antimalarial agents. Because they have multiple targets within bloodstream-stage parasites, workers have assumed that resistance to these inhibitors would not be acquired easily. In the present study, we used in vitro selection to generate a parasite resistant to growth inhibition by leupeptin, a broad-profile cysteine and serine protease inhibitor. Resistance was not associated with upregulation of cysteine protease activity, reduced leupeptin sensitivity of this activity, or expression level changes for putative cysteine or serine proteases in the parasite genome. Instead, it was associated with marked changes in the plasmodial surface anion channel (PSAC), an ion channel on infected erythrocytes that functions in nutrient and bulky organic solute uptake. Osmotic fragility measurements, electrophysiological recordings, and leupeptin uptake studies revealed selective reductions in organic solute permeability via PSAC, altered single-channel gating, and reduced inhibitor affinity. These changes yielded significantly reduced leupeptin uptake and could fully account for the acquired resistance. PSAC represents a novel route for the uptake of bulky hydrophilic compounds acting against intraerythrocytic parasite targets. Drug development based on such compounds should proceed cautiously in light of possible resistance development though the selection of PSAC mutants.
机译:半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂可杀死疟疾寄生虫,并被开发为抗疟药。由于他们在血流阶段的寄生虫中有多个靶标,因此工作人员认为对这些抑制剂的抗药性不易获得。在本研究中,我们使用了体外选择来产生抵抗由亮肽半胱氨酸和丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂亮肽素抑制生长的寄生虫。耐药与半胱氨酸蛋白酶活性的上调,亮氨酸对这种活性的敏感性降低或寄生虫基因组中假定的半胱氨酸或丝氨酸蛋白酶的表达水平变化无关。取而代之的是,它与血浆表面阴离子通道(PSAC)的显着变化有关,PSAC是受感染红细胞上的离子通道,在营养和大量有机溶质吸收中起作用。渗透性脆弱性测量,电生理记录和亮肽素摄取研究表明,通过PSAC选择性降低了有机溶质的渗透性,改变了单通道门控,并降低了抑制剂的亲和力。这些变化产生了明显减少的leupeptin摄取,并可以充分说明获得性耐药。 PSAC代表了一种新的途径,可吸收对抗红细胞内寄生虫靶标的庞大亲水性化合物。考虑到通过选择PSAC突变体可能产生的耐药性,基于此类化合物的药物开发应谨慎进行。



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