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An influence power-based clustering approach with PageRank-like model


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In this paper, we present a clustering method called clustering by sorting influence power, which incorporates the concept of influence power as measurement among points. In our method, clustering is performed in an efficient tree-growing fashion exploiting both the hypothetical influence powers of data points and the distances among data points. Since influence powers among data points evolve over time, we adopt a PageRank-like algorithm to calculate them iteratively to avoid the issue of improper initial exemplar preference. The experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms four well-known clustering methods across seven complex and non-isotropic datasets. Moreover, our simple clustering method can be easily applied to several practical clustering problems. We evaluate the effectiveness of our algorithm on two real-world datasets, i.e. an open dataset of Alzheimers disease protein-protein interaction network and a dataset for race walking recognition collected by ourselves, and we find our method outperforms other methods reported in the literature. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种通过对影响力进行分类的聚类方法,该方法将影响力的概念纳入了点之间的度量。在我们的方法中,利用数据点的假设影响力和数据点之间的距离,以高效的树木生长方式进行聚类。由于数据点之间的影响力随时间变化,因此我们采用类似于PageRank的算法来迭代计算它们,以避免出现初始样本偏好不当的问题。实验结果表明,我们提出的方法在七个复杂且非各向同性的数据集上优于四种著名的聚类方法。此外,我们的简单聚类方法可以轻松地应用于几个实际的聚类问题。我们在两个现实世界的数据集上评估了我们算法的有效性,即一个阿尔茨海默氏病蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用网络的开放数据集和一个由我们自己收集的用于种族竞走识别的数据集,我们发现我们的方法优于文献中报道的其他方法。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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