首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Linking agricultural policies to population trends of Swedish farmland birds in different agricultural regions

Linking agricultural policies to population trends of Swedish farmland birds in different agricultural regions


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1. The widespread declines of farmland birds have generally been linked to agricultural intensification. We tested the hypotheses that (i) changes in agricultural policy, through its effects on agricultural intensification and (ii) regional differences in agricultural intensification affect temporal and spatial population trends of farmland birds in Sweden. 2. We analysed regional bird population trends (1976-2003) for seven common farmland bird species: the migratory lapwing Vanellus vanellus, skylark Alauda arvensis, starling Sturnus vulgaris and linnet Carduelis cannabina and the resident tree sparrow Passer montanus, house sparrow P. domesticus and yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella. We identified three periods of agricultural policy in Sweden between 1976 and 2003: the intensification period (i.e. 1976-87; promoting increased production), the set-aside period (1987-95; promoting extensification of farming) and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) period (1995-2003; promoting increased production). Population trends were compared between three types of Swedish farmlands: open plains (intensive farming with a marked intensification), mosaic farmlands (i.e. farmland-dominated forest mosaics, less intensive farming, but show moderate intensification) and forest regions (i.e. forest-dominated farmlands with low intensity farming and extensification/abandonment). 3. The four migrants displayed clear significant trend switches between the policy periods, with declines in the 'intensification period' and the 'CAP period' and less negative or even positive population trends in the 'set-aside period'. The population trends of the three resident species showed no clear pattern in relation to agricultural policy periods. 4. All species except tree sparrow displayed significantly different population trends between farmland regions. Four species (lapwing, skylark, linnet and house sparrow) declined most in the open plains and the forest regions, whereas two species (starling and yellowhammer) declined most in the mosaic farmlands. 5. Synthesis and applications. Large-scale changes in agriculture policy have a strong potential to change the present poor state of farmland biodiversity as shown by the generally positive population trends in the 'set-aside period'. It also suggests extensification to be beneficial to farmland birds. However, in regions of low profitability and an already ongoing extensification, a further extensification will lead to loss of both farmland habitat and bird diversity. In such regions mixed farming needs to be retained and hence should be supported.
机译:1. 通常与农业有关强化。(我)农业政策的变化,通过它影响农业集约化和(2)在农业地区差异强化影响时间和空间在瑞典人口趋势的农田鸟类。2。我们分析了地区鸟人口趋势(1976 - 2003)七常见农田鸟类物种:迁徙田凫Vanellus Vanellus,云雀Alauda薄荷,八哥Sturnus寻常的和红雀Carduelis cannabina和树麻雀过路人montanus,居民的房子麻雀p .家和金翼啄木鸟Emberizacitrinella。在1976年和在瑞典农业政策2003:强化阶段(即1976 - 87;促进增产)储备品时期(1987 - 95;农业)和共同农业政策(CAP)时期(1995 - 2003;生产)。瑞典之间三种类型的农田:开放平原(集约农业明显强化),马赛克农田(即。farmland-dominated森林马赛克,那么密集农业,但显示中度强化)和森林地区(即forest-dominated农田较低的农业和强度粗放型/放弃)。移民显示清晰的重要趋势交换机之间的政策时期在强化期和下降“帽期”和更少的消极或者积极人口趋势“储备品时期”。人口趋势的三个居民的物种没有显示出明显的模式的关系农业政策时期。除了树麻雀显示显著不同的人口趋势之间的农田地区。和麻雀)下降最多的开放平原和森林地区,而两个物种(燕八哥和金翼啄木鸟)下降最多马赛克的农田。应用程序。改变政策有很强的潜力贫穷国家的农田生物多样性人口总体积极的趋势在“储备品时期”。粗放型向农田是有益的鸟类。已经持续扩大化,进一步粗放型将导致损失农田生境与鸟类多样性。区域农业需要保留和混合因此应该得到支持。



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