首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Information uncertainty influences conservation outcomes when prioritizing multi‐action management efforts

Information uncertainty influences conservation outcomes when prioritizing multi‐action management efforts


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Abstract In managing various threats to biodiversity, it is important to prioritize multiple management actions and the levels of effort to apply. However, a spatial conservation prioritization framework that integrates these key aspects, and can be generalized, is still missing. Moreover, assessing the robustness of prioritization frameworks to uncertainty in species responses to management is critical to avoid misallocation of limited resources. Yet, the impact of information uncertainty on prioritization of management effort remains unknown. We present an approach for prioritizing alternative levels of conservation management effort to multiple actions, based on the ecological responses of species to management. We estimated species responses through a structured email‐based expert elicitation process, where we also captured the uncertainty in individual experts' assessments. We identified priority locations and associated level of management of effort of four actions to abate threats to freshwater‐dependent fauna, using a northern Australia case study, and quantified sensitivity of the proposed solution to uncertainty in the answers of each individual expert. Achievement of conservation targets for freshwater‐dependent fauna in the Daly River catchment would require 9.4?million AU$ per year, for a total of approximately 189 million AU$ investment over 20?years. We suggest that this could be best achieved through a mix of aerial shooting of buffalos and pigs, riparian fencing and chemical spraying of weeds, applied at varying levels of management effort in key areas of the catchment. Uncertainty in experts' estimation
机译:实现保护目标淡水依赖动物在戴利河排水需要9.4 ?总共大约1.89亿非盟美元投资超过20 ?。可以通过空中的最好拍摄的水牛和猪、河岸击剑和化学喷洒杂草,应用不同级别的管理工作在关键领域列集水。专家估计的不确定性



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