首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Bound within boundaries: Do protected areas cover movement corridors of their most mobile, protected species?

Bound within boundaries: Do protected areas cover movement corridors of their most mobile, protected species?


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1. Conserving and managing large portions of land to connect wildlife reserves is an increasingly used strategy to maintain and restore connectivity among wildlife populations. Boundaries of such conservation areas are often determined based on expert opinion and socio-political constraints, yet the extent to which they match species' movement corridors is rarely examined. This is mainly due to a lack of data, particularly on wide-ranging movement behaviour such as dispersal. Nevertheless, empirically assessing the adequacy of protected areas is key for the implementation of targeted management actions and efficient use of limited conservation funds. 2. Between 2011 and 2019, we collected high-resolution GPS data on 16 dispersing African wild dog Lycaon pictus coalitions from a free-ranging population in the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA-TFCA). Spanning five countries and 520,000 km~2, the KAZA-TFCA is the world's largest transboundary conservation area and a prime example for international conservation efforts. We used integrated step selection analysis to estimate habitat selection of dispersers and to create a permeability surface for the KAZA-TFCA. We compared landscape permeability across different regions within the KAZA-TFCA as well as outside its boundaries. Lastly, we calculated least-cost paths and corridors to verify that major movement routes were adequately encompassed within the KAZA-TFCA. 3. Permeability within the boundaries of the KAZA-TFCA was more than double compared to areas outside it. Furthermore, we observed a fivefold permeability difference among the five KAZA-TFCA countries. We also showed that major movement corridors of wild dogs ran within the KAZA-TFCA, although some minor routes remained formally unprotected. 4. Differences in permeability were mainly related to different degrees of human activities across regions, and to the presence or absence of rivers, swamps and open water. The relationship between permeab
机译:1. 野生动物保护区是一个越来越多的联系使用策略来维持和恢复野生动物种群之间的连通性。经常这样的保护区的边界根据专家意见和决定社会政治的约束,但程度他们与物种的运动走廊吗很少研究。数据,特别是在广泛的运动传播等行为。经验评估适当的保护地区是目标的实现的关键管理行为和有效地使用有限的保护基金。16日高分辨率的GPS数据收集分散非洲野狗吕卡翁pictus联盟的自由放养的人口Kavango-Zambezi在国外做的保护区(KAZA-TFCA)。公里~ 2,KAZA-TFCA是世界上最大的跨界保护区和'国际保护工作的例子。我们使用集成步骤选择分析估计传播者和栖息地选择创建一个渗透率KAZA-TFCA表面。我们比较景观渗透在KAZA-TFCA以及不同地区在其边界。最小路径和走廊来验证主要运动路线充分包围着在KAZA-TFCA之内。边界KAZA-TFCA的两倍多相比以外地区。观察了5倍渗透率之间的差异KAZA-TFCA五国。主要运动走廊内的野狗跑KAZA-TFCA,尽管一些次要的路线保持正式保护。磁导率主要是与不同有关度跨地区的人类活动存在与否的河流、沼泽和打开水。



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