首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Applied Ecology >Prosopis juliflora management and grassland restoration in Baringo County, Kenya: Opportunities for soil carbon sequestration and local livelihoods

Prosopis juliflora management and grassland restoration in Baringo County, Kenya: Opportunities for soil carbon sequestration and local livelihoods

机译:Prosopis juliflora管理和草原恢复在巴林县、肯尼亚:土壤固碳和机会当地生活

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1. Climate change, land degradation and invasive alien species (IAS) threaten grassland ecosystems worldwide. IAS clearing and grassland restoration would help to reduce the negative effects of IAS, restore the original vegetation cover and sustain livelihoods while contributing to climate change mitigation, but uncertain financial benefits to local stakeholders hamper such efforts. This study assessed where and when net financial benefit could be realized from Prosopis juliflora management and subsequent grassland restoration by combining ecological, social and financial information. 2. Impacts of Prosopis invasion and grassland degradation on soil organic carbon (SOC) in nine sublocations in Baringo County, Kenya, were evaluated. Then the financial impacts of Prosopis removal and grassland restoration in the area were calculated and spatially explicit management scenarios for each sublocation modelled, combining geographical information derived from satellite images taken in different years of the invasion with SOC data and socio-economic data collected in the sublocations. 3. The expanding Prosopis distribution and density since 1995 have increased cumulated SOC storage on former bare land or degraded grasslands. On former pristine or restored grasslands, however, Prosopis invasion has reduced total SOC storage. 4. Prosopis removal and grassland restoration are predicted to yield financial benefits through charcoal made from removed trees, increased cattle numbers and carbon credits. However, a trade-off between increased SOC and net financial benefit was found. The predicted net SOC increase would contribute around one-tenth, at most, to the net financial benefit. 5. The available budget, based on Baringo households' average willingness to pay, would enable removal, on average, of one-fifth of Prosopis per sublocation in a single year. A larger area can be cleared if Prosopis is sparse than if it is dense. The analyses show that in some sublocations, households'
机译:1. 外来物种威胁草原生态系统(IAS)在全球范围内。将有助于减少IAS的负面影响,恢复原始植被和维持生计而导致气候变暖缓解,但不确定的经济利益当地利益相关者阻碍这样的努力。研究评估何时何地净金融好处可以意识到从Prosopis juliflora管理和后续的草原恢复结合生态、社会和经济信息。草地退化对土壤有机碳(SOC)在9个sublocations巴林县肯尼亚,进行评估。Prosopis切除和草地恢复的面积计算和空间显式为每个sublocation管理场景模型,结合地理信息从卫星图片上获得不同年的入侵和SOC数据社会经济数据收集sublocations。1995年以来的分布和密度增加累积SOC存储前光秃秃的土地或退化的草原。然而,或恢复草原Prosopis入侵已经减少了总有机碳存储。Prosopis切除和草原恢复预测产生经济效益木炭制成了树木,增加牛数字和碳信用额。增加SOC和净金融之间的权衡被发现中受益。将贡献约十分之一,最多净经济利益。预算,根据巴林家庭的平均水平愿意支付,将使切除平均每sublocation Prosopis的五分之一在一年。Prosopis比如果浓密稀疏。分析表明,在某些sublocations,家庭的




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