首页> 外文期刊>Applied mathematics and computation >A class of volumetric barrier decomposition algorithms for stochastic quadratic programming

A class of volumetric barrier decomposition algorithms for stochastic quadratic programming


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Ariyawansa and Zhu have introduced a class of volumetric barrier decomposition algorithms [K.A. Ariyawansa, Y. Zhu. A class of polynomial volumetric barrier decomposition algorithms for stochastic semidefinite programming, Available as Technical Report 2006-7, Department of Mathematics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, submitted for publication. Available from: < http://www.math.wsu.edu/math/TRS/2006-7.pdf >] for solving two-stage stochastic semidefinite programs with recourse (SSDPs) [K.A. Ariyawansa, Y. Zhu, Stochastic semidefinite programming: a new paradigm for stochastic optimization, 40R-The Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian OR Societies, (in press). Available as Technical Report 2004-10, Department of Mathematics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, October 2004. Available from: < http://www.math.wsu.edu/math/TRS/2004-10.pdf >]. In this paper we utilize their work for SSDPs to derive a class of volumetric barrier decomposition algorithms for solving two-stage stochastic quadratic programs with recourse and to establish polynomial complexity of certain members of the class of algorithms. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:Ariyawansa和Zhu介绍了一种体积阻挡层分解算法[K.A. Ariyawansa,Y。Zhu。一类用于随机半定规划的多项式体积壁垒分解算法,已提交出版,可作为华盛顿州立大学数学系的2006-7年技术报告,华盛顿州立大学数学系提交。可从以下网址获得:],用于求解具有追索权的两阶段随机半定程序(SSDP)[K.A. Ariyawansa,Y。Zhu,《随机半定规划:一种用于随机优化的新范式》,《 40R-比利时,法国和意大利或意大利社团季刊》(印刷中)。可作为技术报告2004-10获得,华盛顿州立大学数学系,华盛顿州普尔曼,2004年10月。可从以下网站获得:] 。在本文中,我们利用他们对SSDP的工作来推导一类体积障碍分解算法,以求解带有条件的两阶段随机二次规划,并建立该算法中某些成员的多项式复杂度。 (c)2006 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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