首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Effects of ration level on growth, nitrogenous excretion and energy budget of juvenile yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (Richardson)

Effects of ration level on growth, nitrogenous excretion and energy budget of juvenile yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (Richardson)


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Growth, nitrogenous excretion and energy budget of juvenile yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (initial body weight 1.17 +/- 0.28 g) at various levels (50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% satiation per day) were investigated with feeding diet containing 40% protein. Specific growth rate of yellow catfish increased (2.79-3.34% day) significantly (P < 0.05) with ration level (RL) increasing. Feed conversion efficiency, feed protein retention efficiency and feed energy retention efficiency increased with the increase in RL, peaked at 70% of satiation, and then decreased at higher ration, with the ranges of 78.97-97.28%, 31.31-37.93% and 26.55-31.88% respectively. Both nitrogenous excretion (u, mg g(-1) day(-1)) and faecal production (f, mg g(-1) day(-1)) increased significantly with the increased RL, and ranged between 0.94-1.38 and 0.69-1.24 mg g(-1) day(-1) respectively. Apparent digestibility coefficients in dry matter, protein, energy decreased significantly as ration increased, with ranges of 54.42-69.64%, 78.24-89.90% and 69.66-82.07% respectively. Energy budgets of juvenile yellow catfish at satiation RL was: 100C = 30F + 8U + 33R + 29G or 100A = 54R + 46G.
机译:幼黄cat鱼(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)(初始体重1.17 +/- 0.28 g)在不同水平(每天饱食50%,60%,70%,80%,90%和100%)的生长,氮排泄和能量收支用含40%蛋白质的饮食喂养进行调查。黄鱼的特定生长率随日粮水平(RL)的增加而显着增加(2.79-3.34%天)(P <0.05)。饲料转化效率,饲料蛋白质保留效率和饲料能量保留效率随着RL的增加而增加,在饱食度为70%时达到峰值,然后在较高的比例下下降,其范围为78.97-97.28%,31.31-37.93%和26.55-分别为31.88%。含氮排泄量(u,mg g(-1)day(-1))和粪便产生量(f,mg g(-1)day(-1))随RL的增加而显着增加,介于0.94-1.38和分别为0.69-1.24 mg g(-1)天(-1)。干物质,蛋白质,能量的表观消化系数随着日粮的增加而显着降低,分别为54.42-69.64%,78.24-89.90%和69.66-82.07%。饱满程度RL时的黄色yellow鱼的能量收支为:100C = 30F + 8U + 33R + 29G或100A = 54R + 46G。



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