首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Noninvasive assessment of nitrate-induced stress in koi Cyprinus carpio L. by faecal cortisol measurement

Noninvasive assessment of nitrate-induced stress in koi Cyprinus carpio L. by faecal cortisol measurement


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This study determined effects of nitrate (NO)-induced stress on faecal cortisol levels in koi (Cyprinus carpio). NO was presented in two formats: (1) bulk increase followed by dilution to assess cortisol response and recovery and (2) bulk increase followed by incremental increases to assess cortisol response limit. Fish were maintained group-wise in treatment and control aquaria (n=6 per group), and 0.5 g Lp# NO (as NaNO) was added to the water. Faecal samples were collected daily and blood samples were taken pretreatment and 72-h posttreatment and were assayed for cortisol via ELISA. NO increased plasma and faecal cortisol 4.4-fold and 3.9-fold respectively. Plasma cortisol was not measured further. After a 74% NO decrease by dilution, faecal cortisol decreased to baseline within 24 h, and restimulation by NO (1.0 g Lp#) elevated faecal cortisol to maximal study levels. In a separate experiment, exposure to 0.4 g Lp# NO increased faecal cortisol 6.9-fold. However, three additional 0.4 g Lp# NO increments across 9 days did not further increase cortisol. This study demonstrates that faecal cortisol measurement in fish via an ELISA can be useful as an indicator of NO-induced stress in the aquatic environment.
机译:这项研究确定了硝酸盐(NO)诱导的应激对锦鲤(Cyprinus carpio)的粪便皮质醇水平的影响。 NO以两种形式表示:(1)体积增加,然后稀释以评估皮质醇反应和恢复,以及(2)体积增加,然后增加以评估皮质醇反应极限。将鱼在治疗和控制水族箱中按组饲养(每组n = 6),并将0.5 g Lp#NO(以NaNO计)添加到水中。每天收集粪便样品,对血样进行预处理和72小时后处理,并通过ELISA测定皮质醇。 NO分别使血浆和粪便皮质醇增加4.4倍和3.9倍。血浆皮质醇没有进一步测量。通过稀释将NO降低74%后,粪便皮质醇在24小时内降至基线,而NO(1.0 g Lp#)的再刺激将粪便皮质醇升高至最大研究水平。在另一个实验中,暴露于0.4 g Lp#NO会使粪便皮质醇增加6.9倍。但是,在9天之内再增加3个0.4 g Lp#NO不会进一步增加皮质醇。这项研究表明,通过ELISA测定鱼中粪便中的皮质醇可以作为NO引起的水生环境压力的指标。



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