
Precaruncular medial canthopexy.


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OBJECTIVES: To describe a new 3-dimensional technique for medial canthal repositioning, precaruncular medial canthopexy (PMC), and to present an outcome study demonstrating its efficacy. METHODS: Data (age, sex, cause, and initial symptoms) were collected prospectively on patients with malposition of the lower eyelid. All patients were photographed before and after surgery in a set protocol. The type and severity of eyelid malposition were documented using the Ectropion Grading Scale (EGS) before and after each procedure. Surgical outcome was evaluated by objective improvement of ectropion grading and subjective resolution of symptoms. RESULTS: Precaruncular medial canthopexy was performed on 30 eyelids of 27 consecutive patients (10 were revisions) for correction of medial eyelid laxity or malposition. Twenty-six patients had ectropion, and 1 had bilateral entropion. The most common cause of eyelid malposition was facial paralysis (n = 21). Ancillary procedures, most commonly lateral transorbital canthopexy (for correction of lateral ectropion), were performed on 60% of the eyelids at the time of PMC. Twenty-eight procedures resulted in complete restoration of the medial canthus to a normal position (EGS grade I). Two patients had minimal residual medial scleral show after surgery (EGS grade II) but experienced symptom relief. There were no wound infections or perioperative complications. CONCLUSIONS: Precaruncular medial canthopexy rapidly and safely restores support in all 3 dimensions without blocking the visual field or damaging the lacrimal system, with minimal morbidity and excellent wound healing. In addition to being a primary technique for correcting medial eyelid malposition, PMC should be routinely considered as an adjunct procedure when correcting lateral eyelid malposition.
机译:目的:描述一个新的三维技术内侧眼角的重新定位,precaruncular内侧canthopexy (PMC),提供了一个研究证明其结果功效。前瞻性地收集了最初的症状)患者下眼睑的错位。所有患者拍摄之前和之后手术在一组协议。眼睑位置不正的记录使用外翻评分量表(EGS)之前和之后每一个过程。外翻的评分和客观的改进主观症状的分辨率。Precaruncular内侧canthopexy上执行30眼睑的连续27例(10修订)内侧眼睑松弛的校正或错位。两国睑内翻外翻,1。眼睑位置不正的最常见原因面瘫(n = 21)。最常见的横向transorbital canthopexy(校正侧睑外翻)上执行60%的眼皮的时候PMC。恢复正常内侧眼角位置(我EGS年级),两个病人有最小手术后残余内侧巩膜的显示(EGSII级),但有经验的症状缓解。没有伤口感染或围手术期并发症。canthopexy迅速和安全地恢复支持所有三维无阻塞的视觉字段或破坏泪系统最小的发病率和良好的伤口愈合。除了作为一个主要的技术纠正内侧眼睑位置不正,PMC应该经常被认为是一个兼职的过程当纠正侧眼睑位置不正。



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