首页> 外文期刊>Applied Engineering in Agriculture >Comparison of Estimates of Solar Radiation from Neural Network Models and Angstrom Formula for Application in ET(0) - A Case Study in Abureyhan Station, Iran

Comparison of Estimates of Solar Radiation from Neural Network Models and Angstrom Formula for Application in ET(0) - A Case Study in Abureyhan Station, Iran


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Solar radiation (R(S)) data are desirable for calculating reference evapotranspiration by Penman-Monteith (PM) method. In the absence of actual R(S) data, the Angstrom equation has been recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This equation requires actual Sunshine duration that is not commonly observed in many weather stations. This article presents the outcome of an attempt made to predict the R(S) based on measured values of maximum and minimum air temperature only. This is important because temperature data are commonly available parameters. Data for Abourayhan station, southwest of Tehran, were used for training and evaluating a feedforward ANN using backpropagation algorithm and calibration of Angstrom equation. The study demonstrated that modelling of daily R(S) through the use of Angstrom equation gave better estimates than the ANN technique. RMSE and R 2 for the comparison between observed and estimated R(S) for the tested data using the proposed ANN model are 2.41 MJ m -2 d -1 and 0.88, respectively. For the Angstrom method these values are 1.42 MJ m -2 d -1 and 0.96. Our analyses also indicate that differences in daily R(S) between the different procedures have less effect on estimated ET(0) by using PM equation.
机译:太阳辐射(R(S))数据对于通过Penman-Monteith(PM)方法计算参考蒸散量是理想的。在没有实际R(S)数据的情况下,联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)已建议使用Angstrom方程。该公式要求实际的阳光持续时间,这在许多气象站中并不常见。本文介绍了仅基于最大和最小气温的测量值来预测R(S)的尝试结果。这很重要,因为温度数据是常用参数。德黑兰西南部Abourayhan站的数据用于反向传播算法和Angstrom方程的校准,以训练和评估前馈ANN。该研究表明,通过使用Angstrom方程对每日R(S)进行建模比使用ANN技术可提供更好的估计。使用建议的ANN模型对测试数据的观测R(S)和估计R(S)进行比较的RMSE和R 2分别为2.41 MJ m -2 d -1和0.88。对于Angstrom方法,这些值为1.42 MJ m -2 d -1和0.96。我们的分析还表明,通过使用PM方程,不同程序之间每日R(S)的差异对估计的ET(0)的影响较小。



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