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Created unequal: China's regional pay inequality and its relationship with mega-trend urbanization


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The relationship between inequality and mega-trend urbanization in China is complicated. At least in the first two decades of economic reform, urbanization is one of primary drivers of rising inequality across the country. Using between-and within-group components of Theil's T-statistics measured across regions and sectors, this paper provides new estimates of the evolution of China's regional inequality during the reform period. We particularly analyze the associations between inequality and China's megacities-oriented urbanization strategy. We find that China's overall pay inequality started to rise rapidly in the early 1990s, that it peaked in 2008, with the between-provinces component peaking as early as 2002. Since 2008 overall pay inequality has decreased, with between-province and within inequality both showing steady declines. In these respects, the evolution of pay inequality in China mirrors the trajectory expected under the hypothesis of a Kuznets' curve. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:中国的不平等与大趋势的城市化之间的关系非常复杂。至少在经济改革的前二十年,城市化是导致全国不平等加剧的主要动力之一。利用跨地区和跨部门测量的泰尔T统计量的组间和组内成分,本文提供了改革时期中国区域不平等演变的新估计。我们特别分析了不平等与中国以大城市为导向的城市化战略之间的联系。我们发现,中国的整体薪酬不平等在1990年代初开始迅速上升,并在2008年达到顶峰,省际间的成分最早在2002年达到顶峰。自2008年以来,总体薪酬不平等程度有所下降,省际间和内部均不平等呈稳定下降趋势。在这些方面,中国薪酬不平等的演变反映了库兹涅茨曲线假说下的预期轨迹。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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