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REDD plus and incentives: An analysis of income generation in forest-dependent communities of the Yasuni Biosphere Reserve, Ecuador


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Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is considered a promising strategy to slow down deforestation rates, promote sustainable forest use, and support rural livelihoods under the umbrella of climate change mitigation. However, so far there is only little field-based knowledge on how REDD+ can go along with subsistence-based production systems and livelihoods of forest-dependent communities. We addressed this research gap by analyzing the income generation of three widespread ethnic groups (Colonists, Shuar, Kichwa) in the buffer zone of the Yasuni National Park in Ecuador to better understand their livelihoods and possible engagement in REDD+. We selected two communities of each ethnic group (close-to and far-from markets) and used household surveys to (a) calculate household incomes, (b) assess the degree of forest-dependency, and (c) discuss how REDD+ schemes can be designed along with traditional subsistence-based production systems. We found that the studied indigenous communities have a higher degree of forest-dependency and higher environmental income compared to Colonists. However, our assumption that close-to-market communities have a lower degree of forest dependency and higher cash income due to better market access and labor opportunities applies only to the Colonists and Shuar, but must be rejected for the Kichwas who gain income from timber sale. Despite these differences, all communities receive high off-farm revenues from unskilled labor provided by oil-companies and external aid. Therefore, dependency on agriculture and forestry is temporarily reduced. Under these circumstances, REDD+ provides only weak financial incentives so that the willingness to participate in REDD+ is low. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:减少森林砍伐和森林退化(REDD +)的排放被认为是减缓森林砍伐率,促进森林可持续利用和在减缓气候变化的保护下支持农村生计的有前途的战略。但是,到目前为止,关于REDD +如何与以生存为基础的生产系统和以森林为生的社区的生计一起发展的实地知识很少。我们通过分析厄瓜多尔Yasuni国家公园缓冲带中三个广泛的族裔(殖民者,舒亚尔,基奇瓦州)的收入来解决这一研究差距,以便更好地了解他们的生计和参与REDD +的可能。我们选择了每个种族的两个社区(靠近和远离市场),并通过家庭调查来(a)计算家庭收入,(b)评估森林依赖程度,(c)讨论REDD +计划如何实现与传统的基于生计的生产系统一起设计。我们发现,与殖民者相比,所研究的土著社区具有更高的森林依赖性和更高的环境收入。但是,我们认为接近市场的社区对森林的依赖程度较低,并且由于市场准入和劳动力机会增加而获得的现金收入较高,这一假设仅适用于殖民者和Shuar,但对于从木材中获得收入的Kichwas必须拒绝销售。尽管存在这些差异,但所有社区从石油公司和外部援助提供的非熟练劳动力中获得高额的非农业收入。因此,暂时减少了对农业和林业的依赖。在这种情况下,REDD +仅提供较弱的经济激励,因此参与REDD +的意愿很低。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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