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'We and us, not I and me': Justice, social capital, and household vulnerability in a Nova Scotia fishery


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Marine harvesters face significant livelihood challenges due to the impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems, and due to economic fluctuations that influence their incomes. In this study, we demonstrate vulnerability as a product of the interactions among marine harvesters, government and buyers. We combined Elinor Ostrom's attention to the influence of institutions on resource exploitation, with political ecology's attention to perceptions of agency, and the contribution of justice and equity to measuring the success of institutions. We demonstrate the benefits of this approach by examining the multi-species fishery of Barrington, Nova Scotia. We conducted 31 semi-structured interviews and 113 surveys in the summer of 2012 with buyers, harvesters, and local experts. We used Ostrom's SES framework to pinpoint system elements that were salient to respondents, with attention to household vulnerability outcomes. Based on an analysis of these themes, we outline three processes affecting vulnerability outcomes: 1) Harvesters preferred individual over collective action due to low procedural justice and social cohesion in decision-making, 2) agents with greater political and economic power gained control over fishing access-rights while others became more dependent on lobster, and 3) economic and ecological conditions, combined with increased dependence, incentivized harvesters to catch more lobsters as prices declined. The case suggests that actors sense of control over their resource base and perception of justice in the process of institutional design may be as significant in vulnerability as the exogenous drivers of change that affect livelihood outcomes. We suggest interventions that may improve these interactions among government, harvesters and buyers, and improve the livelihoods in coastal communities. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:由于气候变化对海洋生态系统的影响以及影响其收入的经济波动,海洋捕捞者面临着重大的生计挑战。在这项研究中,我们证明了脆弱性是海洋收获者,政府和购买者之间相互作用的产物。我们将埃里诺·奥斯特罗姆(Elinor Ostrom)对机构对资源开发的影响的关注与政治生态对对机构的看法的关注,以及正义和公平对衡量机构成功的贡献相结合。我们通过检查新斯科舍省巴灵顿的多种渔业来证明这种方法的好处。 2012年夏天,我们与买家,收割机和当地专家进行了31次半结构化访谈和113次调查。我们使用Ostrom的SES框架来确定对受访者来说很重要的系统元素,并关注家庭脆弱性结果。在对这些主题进行分析的基础上,我们概述了影响脆弱性结果的三个过程:1)由于程序公正性低和决策中的社会凝聚力,收割者相对于集体行动更偏爱个体; 2)具有更大政治和经济权力的代理商对捕鱼有控制权进入权,而其他人则越来越依赖龙虾,以及3)经济和生态条件,加上对依赖性的依赖,随着价格下降,激励收割者捕捞更多龙虾。该案例表明,参与者在制度设计过程中对其资源基础的控制意识和正义感可能与影响生计结果的外在变化驱动力一样脆弱。我们建议采取干预措施,以改善政府,收割者和购买者之间的互动,并改善沿海社区的生计。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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