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Equity and access in marine protected areas: The history and future of 'traditional indigenous fishing' in the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument


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Marine protected areas (MPAs) or sections of the ocean set aside where human activities such as fishing are restricted have been growing in popularity as a marine conservation tool. As a result, it is important to examine the socioeconomic consequences of MPAs and how they may affect nearby communities. This study explores social and equity issues surrounding the designation of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument, an MPA that includes protections around the three most northern islands in the US territory of the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI). We gathered oral history interviews with 40 individuals from CMNI and Guam who had connections to the waters in the newly-designated MPA and reviewed key documents in order to (1) document historical and current use of the waters in the MPA and (2) consider the implications that proposed fishing regulations in the MPA may have for the local communities. Our study documented 129 trips to visit the waters in the MPA in living memory. We found that due to distance, trips to the MPA waters were rare but culturally significant events that provided residents from CNMI and Guam with connections to their indigenous roots. Regulation of fishing in the new MPA has the potential to directly and indirectly restrict local access to these culturally important waters. This research highlights the importance of better collaboration with local partners and better consideration of social and equity concerns in the siting and regulation of MPAs. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:海洋保护区(MPA)或海洋部分被限制用于捕鱼等人类活动,作为海洋保护工具已日益普及。因此,重要的是要检查MPA的社会经济后果以及它们如何影响附近的社区。这项研究探索了围绕Marianas Trench海洋国家历史文物的名称的社会和公平问题,该MPA包括对美国北部马里亚纳斯群岛(CNMI)领土中最北的三个岛屿的保护。我们收集了来自CMNI和关岛的40个人的口头历史访谈,他们与新指定的MPA中的水域有联系,并审查了主要文件,以便(1)记录MPA中水域的历史和当前使用情况,以及(2)考虑MPA中提议的捕鱼法规可能对当地社区产生影响。我们的研究记录了129次旅行,以纪念人们访问了MPA中的水域。我们发现,由于距离遥远,前往MPA水域的旅行很少见,但在文化上具有重大意义,这使来自CNMI和关岛的居民得以与自己的土著渊源建立联系。新的海洋保护区中的捕捞法规有可能直接或间接地限制当地人进入这些具有重要文化意义的水域。这项研究突出了与MPA选址和监管中与当地合作伙伴更好地合作以及更好地考虑社会和公平问题的重要性。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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