首页> 外文期刊>Vegetos: an international journal of plant research >Cloning of mature pomegranate (Punica granatum) cv. Jalore seedless via in vitro shoot production and ex vitro rooting

Cloning of mature pomegranate (Punica granatum) cv. Jalore seedless via in vitro shoot production and ex vitro rooting


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A novel approach of in vitro shoot amplification and ex vitro rooting for cloning of mature plants of Punica granatum cv. Jalore seedless/soft-seeded has been defined. Surface-sterilized nodal shoots were cultured for axillary meristem activation, budbreaking and shoot amplification. Multiple shoots differentiated by bud breaking from 82.8% of the explants on Murashige and Skoog (Physiol Plant 15:473-497, 1962) MS medium with 13.32 pM 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). These were amplified by subculturing of fresh shoots and by repeated transfer of mother explants on MS medium + BAP or Kinetin (Kin)/Furfurylaminopurine (FAP) in combination with Indole acetic acid (IAA) or a-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). MS medium with BAP 2.22 pM + IAA 0.57 pM was found to be most suitable for shoot (14.2 ± 1.03 shoots per culture vessel) multiplication. On half-strength MS medium with 9.84 pM of Indole butyric acid (IBA) and 16.65 pM of activated charcoal (AC), 72.9% of the micro-shoots rooted. Alternatively, base(s) of the micro-shoots treated with 1476 pM of IBA for 300 s. and transplanted on autoclaved soilrite (moistened with one-fourth strength of MS macro-salts) in glass bottles (420 ml; 70 mm diameter x 130 mm height). More than 85% of the IBA-treated shoots rooted ex vitro in a greenhouse. Ex vitro rooting of cloned shoots is a new approach for propagation of pomegranate. The process described is different and superior to all the described tissue culture methods for cloning of pomegranate. This is faster, cost-effective and saves resources enabling acclimatization/hardening with ease while minimizing microbial contamination, thus ensuring quick field transfer of hardened plantlets. This can be applied for mass and clonal propagation of selected genotypes andalso for long-term conservation of germplasm of P. granatum.
机译:体外射放大的新方法和前男友体外支持克隆成熟的植物无籽/ soft-seeded被定义。Surface-sterilized节芽培养了腋分生组织激活,发芽射放大。分化的芽打破82.8%的外植体Murashige和斯库(杂志女士15:473 - 497,1962)中以13.32点6-benzylaminopurine (BAP)。通过接种新鲜芽和重复母亲外植体在MS培养基+软面包卷或转让激动素(亲属)/ Furfurylaminopurine (FAP)与吲哚乙酸(IAA)或组合a-naphthalene乙酸(NAA)。BAP + IAA 0.57下午2.22点被发现适合拍摄(14.2±1.03芽培养容器)乘法。女士中吲哚丁酸的9.84点(IBA)和16.65点的活性炭(AC),micro-shoots扎根的72.9%。基地(s)的micro-shoots治疗1476点热压处理过的IBA 300 s和移植soilrite(四分之一的滋润女士macro-salts)玻璃瓶(420毫升;直径130毫米x高度)。IBA-treated拍摄的前女友体外温室。石榴的传播的新方法。描述的过程是不同的,优越的所有的组织培养方法进行了描述克隆的石榴。使成本效益,节省资源适应环境轻松/硬化减少微生物污染,从而保证快速硬化植株转移。可以申请质量和无性繁殖的选择基因型以及长期保护的p . granatum种质。



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