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Cognitive load and the format of instructional aids for coherence formation


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Learning with multiple representations is a highly demanding cognitive process because learners have to build referential connections between externally presented representations in order to construct a coherent mental representation. Several approaches for supporting coherence formation have been examined, which can be assigned to two types of helping strategies: first, learners can be assisted in recognising corresponding elements and structures on a surface feature level (e.g. by hyperlinking). Second, they can be supported on a deep structure level (i.e. by explaining the relations of corresponding structures more or less explicitly). In a 2 x 2 experimental study the effects on learning performance and cognitive load of both types of help were compared. Results show that coherence formation can be efficiently supported by deep structure level help (DLH) especially in combination with surface level help (SLH). Hyperlinks seem to guide learners' attention to relevant connections that are additionally explained by the deep structure help. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:具有多种表示形式的学习是一个非常苛刻的认知过程,因为学习者必须在外部呈现的表示形式之间建立参照关系,以构建连贯的心理表示形式。已经研究了支持连贯性形成的几种方法,可以将其分配给两种类型的帮助策略:首先,可以帮助学习者识别表面特征级别上的相应元素和结构(例如,通过超链接)。其次,可以在较深的结构级别上对它们进行支持(即,通过或多或少明确地解释相应结构的关系)。在一项2 x 2的实验研究中,比较了两种类型的帮助对学习成绩和认知负荷的影响。结果表明,深层结构辅助(DLH)尤其是与表面辅助(SLH)结合可以有效地支持相干形成。超链接似乎可以引导学习者注意相关的连接,深层结构帮助对此也进行了解释。版权所有(c)2006 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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