首页> 外文期刊>Journal of behavioral and experimental economics >Giving to charity to signal smarts: evidence from a lab experiment

Giving to charity to signal smarts: evidence from a lab experiment


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The literature on charitable giving suggests that individuals may use their charitable donations to signal their altruism or their income. We argue that, rather than signaling incomeper se, individuals may want to signal other unobservable characteristics that correlate to income, such as their intelligence. We designed a laboratory experiment to test this hypothesis. We assigned endowments to individuals who could spend all or part of those endowments on a charitable donation. We cross-randomized the visibility of donations and the individuals’ perceptions about the effect of intelligence on the allocation of endowments. We found that the effect of donation visibility on donation amounts depends sharply on whether the individuals perceive that endowments are determined by intelligence. This evidence suggests that, consistent with our hypothesis, subjects may engage in charitable giving to signal their smarts.
机译:慈善捐赠文献表明个人可以使用他们的慈善捐款他们的利他主义或收入的信号。而不是信号incomeper se,个人可能需要其他难以察觉的信号特征关联收入,如他们的智力。实验来测试这个假说。捐赠基金或个人可以花慈善捐赠基金的一部分捐赠。捐赠和个人的看法智能的分配的影响捐赠基金。可见性捐赠数额大幅依赖个人认为是否捐赠基金是由智力决定的。表明,与我们的假设一致,主题可能参与慈善捐赠信号他们的智慧。



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