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Inhibitors of SARS-CoV entry--identification using an internally-controlled dual envelope pseudovirion assay.


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Severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) emerged as the causal agent of an endemic atypical pneumonia, infecting thousands of people worldwide. Although a number of promising potential vaccines and therapeutic agents for SARS-CoV have been described, no effective antiviral drug against SARS-CoV is currently available. The intricate, sequential nature of the viral entry process provides multiple valid targets for drug development. Here, we describe a rapid and safe cell-based high-throughput screening system, dual envelope pseudovirion (DEP) assay, for specifically screening inhibitors of viral entry. The assay system employs a novel dual envelope strategy, using lentiviral pseudovirions as targets whose entry is driven by the SARS-CoV Spike glycoprotein. A second, unrelated viral envelope is used as an internal control to reduce the number of false positives. As an example of the power of this assay a class of inhibitors is reported with the potential to inhibit SARS-CoV at two steps of the replication cycle, viral entry and particle assembly. This assay system can be easily adapted to screen entry inhibitors against other viruses with the careful selection of matching partner virus envelopes.
机译:严重的急性呼吸综合征相关冠状病毒(SARS-CoV)作为地方性非典型肺炎的病原体出现,感染了全球成千上万的人。尽管已经描述了许多用于SARS-CoV的有希望的潜在疫苗和治疗剂,但是目前尚无针对SARS-CoV的有效抗病毒药。病毒进入过程的复杂性,顺序性为药物开发提供了多个有效的靶标。在这里,我们描述了一种快速安全的基于细胞的高通量筛选系统,即双重包膜假病毒颗粒(DEP)分析法,用于特异性筛选病毒进入抑制剂。该测定系统采用新型双重包膜策略,使用慢病毒假病毒颗粒作为靶标,其进入由SARS-CoV Spike糖蛋白驱动。第二个无关的病毒包膜用作内部对照,以减少假阳性的数量。作为该测定法功效的一个实例,据报道,一类抑制剂在复制周期的两个步骤(病毒进入和颗粒装配)具有抑制SARS-CoV的潜力。通过仔细选择匹配的伴侣病毒包膜,该测定系统可以轻松地用于筛选针对其他病毒的进入抑制剂。



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