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Kindergarten food familiarization. An exploratory study of teachers' perspectives on food and nutrition in kindergartens


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This exploratory study employed a netnographic approach (netnography being a research methodology that adopts the practices of ethnography in an Internet-based setting) to reveal opportunities for kindergarten food familiarization. The study analyses kindergarten teachers' discussions on seven Internet message boards regarding the various food and nutrition experiences in their classes. Semi-structured interviews were then conducted with seven kindergarten teachers to explore further the message board findings. Five opportunities for how food familiarization occurs in kindergartens emerged from the analysis. These opportunities were categorized as being either "overt": (1) nutrition lessons, (2) snack times, (3) cooking experiences, or "covert" (4) food as teaching materials, and (5) dramatic play centres. Overt refers to any opportunity centred on food, healthy eating, or nutrition, whereas covert refers to opportunities where food was involved but in a non-exclusive manner. The five opportunities are examined and discussed in terms of their implications for children's food preference development. Results should be useful for future researchers for two main reasons. First, the results demonstrate the wide variety of food and nutrition experiences kindergarten students encounter throughout the day, beyond healthy eating interventions or foods served during meals. And second, because the findings are preliminary they require further research using various methods of data collection and samples of teachers. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:这项探索性研究采用了人种学方法(人种学是一种在基于Internet的环境中采用人种学实践的研究方法)来揭示熟悉幼儿园食品的机会。这项研究分析了幼儿园教师在七个互联网留言板上关于班级中各种食物和营养经历的讨论。然后,对七名幼儿园老师进行了半结构化访谈,以进一步探讨留言板的发现。分析发现了五个如何使幼儿园熟悉食物的机会。这些机会被分类为“公开”:(1)营养课,(2)点心时间,(3)烹饪经验,或“秘密”(4)食物作为教学材料,以及(5)戏剧性的娱乐中心。公开是指以食物,健康饮食或营养为中心的任何机会,而秘密是指以非排他性方式涉及食物的机会。研究并讨论了这五个机会对儿童食物偏爱发展的影响。有两个主要原因,结果对于将来的研究人员应该是有用的。首先,结果表明幼儿园学生在一整天中所遇到的各种各样的食物和营养经历,除了健康的饮食干预或进餐时提供的食物。其次,由于研究结果是初步的,因此需要使用各种数据收集方法和教师样本进行进一步研究。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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