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Research Prioritization through Identification of Production Constraints in Agriculture


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A study was conducted to determine the willingness of farmers to participate in the process of identification and prioritization of agricultural problems for research and extension intervention. The study concluded that the level of farmers' involvement in identification and prioritization of agricultural problems was low. Among all the highlighted problems, soil sodicity (21 farmers ranked it as 1) was the most important, followed by blue bulls attack (18 farmers ranked it as 1). The value based index (VBI) was highest for soil sodicity, followed by blue bulls attack, heat detection problem in buffaloes, motha infestation in rice, animal infertility, late adoption of technologies and Phalaris minor. The VBI was based on maximum number of responsesgiven by the farmers for respective problems and therefore needs urgent attention in respect of research and extension outreach. Thus, the issues should be given priority in research, development schemes and policy. Developmental policies should be implemented using bottom-up rather than the top-down approach so that farmers' opinion would be involved solving the problems well in time.Overall development of economy depends on the development of all the sectors. In agrarian economy, agriculture sector is called as backbone of economy. In general, the agriculture faces, number of constraints and if solutions are provided to these constraints/obstacles, this sector and overall economy develop faster. The economic development of region has relationship with different dimensions as productivity, production conditions, agrarian relations and agricultural change including infrastructure (Singh 1985 and Raza 1981). Among other factors, the good social network in village also plays an important role in development of agricultural society.A study was conducted in village Ismailpur in Dulhapur-Husainabad village panchayat of Gosaiganj block of Lucknow in 2009-10 to find the constraints in agricultural development. The village is situated at 26° 37.227'N Latitude and 81° 07.223'E Longitude, at an altitude of 103 m from mean sea level (MSL). The area receives annual rainfall of 1020 mm. The total area of the village is 154.75 ha with net cultivated area of 137.5 ha, fully irrigated through canal. The number of households in the village is233 with total population of 1017. Because of availability of canal irrigation, the major cropping pattern is Rice-Wheat-Mentha. Some farmers also grow vegetables due to availability of water and vicinity of markets. The average yield of rice, wheat andmentha was 43 qha1,32 qha4 and 801ha-1. The livestock population in the village included 200 buffaloes, 185 cattle and 40 goats.
机译:进行了一项研究,以确定农民参与识别和优先考虑研究和扩展干预措施的确定过程。该研究得出的结论是,农民参与识别和优先考虑农业问题的水平很低。在所有突出的问题中,土壤相关性(21名农民排名为1)是最重要的,其次是蓝色公牛袭击(18名农民将其排名为1)。基于价值的指数(VBI)最高的土壤相关性,其次是蓝色公牛攻击,水牛中的热检测问题,大米的Motha侵扰,动物不育症,技术的迟到和Phalaris Minor。 VBI基于农民对各自问题的最大响应数量,因此需要紧急关注研究和扩展外展。因此,应在研究,发展方案和政策方面优先考虑这些问题。发展政策应使用自下而上而不是自上而下的方法来实施,以便农民的意见涉及在时间上解决问题。经过所有经济的发展取决于所有部门的发展。在农业经济中,农业部门被称为经济骨干。通常,农业面孔,限制的数量以及解决这些限制/障碍的解决方案,该行业和整体经济发展速度更快。地区的经济发展与不同方面的关系,包括生产力,生产条件,农业关系和农业变革,包括基础设施(Singh 1985和Raza 1981)。除其他因素外,村庄中的良好社交网络在农业社会的发展中还起着重要作用。 。该村庄位于26°37.227'N纬度和81°07.223'E经度,距离平均海平面(MSL)的高度为103 m。该地区的年降雨量为1020毫米。该村的总面积为154.75公顷,净耕地面积为137.5公顷,完全通过运河灌溉。村庄中的家庭数量为233,总人口为1017。由于运河灌溉的可用性,主要的种植模式是米饭 - 麦芽粥。由于水和市场附近的可用性,一些农民还种植蔬菜。大米,小麦和米顿的平均产量为43 QHA1,32 QHA4和801HA-1。该村的牲畜人口包括200名水牛,185头牛和40只山羊。



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