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Performance Analysis of National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) and Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna (PMFBY)

机译:国家农业保险计划(NAIS)和Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna(PMFBY)的绩效分析

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An effective crop insurance system is crucial in cushioning income losses for farmers, financing inputs for agricultural production, and increasing access to agricultural credit to boost agricultural productivity. Annual average farmers registered under NAIS (2000-01 to 2015-16) were 169.53 lakhs, while under PMFBY (2016-17-2019-20) that were quite higher that is 425.16 lakhs. The annual area insured under NAIS was 244.82 lakh hectares while under PMFBY, it was 491.48 lakh hectares. The annual sum insured under NAIS was IR/s 29219.05 crores, while this is in PMFBY was IR/s 193006.30 crores annually. The annual average farmers benefitted under NAIS and PMFBY were 53.16 lakhs (29.88% of total registered farmers) and 147.33 lakhs (32.67% of total registered farmers). The claims premium ratio was found as 4.26 under NAIS and 4.59 under PMFBY. It suggested by spending one rupee under PMFBY, farmers have received the claims or 4.59 rupees. The sum insured to farmers premium ratio was 38.70 under NAIS and51.57 under PMFBY suggests there is higher sum insured under PMFBY with given rupees. It is visible that the performance of PMFBY is higher over NAIS in terms of farmers insured, area covered, claims reported and paid. By creating the awareness and timely payment of claims, the coverage of PMFBY can be improved further.
机译:有效的作物保险系统对于农民的缓冲收入损失,农业生产的融资投入以及增加获得农业信贷以提高农业生产力至关重要。根据NAIS(2000-01至2015-16)注册的年平均农民为169.53亿卢比,而在PMFBY(2016-17-2019-20)下的年度农民为425.16亿卢比。 NAIS下的年度面积为244.82亿公顷,而在PMFBY领导下为4914.8万公顷。 NAIS下的年度总和为IR/S 29219.05千万,而这是在PMFBY中,每年为IR/S 193006.30千万。 NAIS和PMFBY受益的年平均农民为531.6亿(占注册人数的29.88%)和1473.33亿卢比(占注册总农民的32.67%)。在NAIS下,索赔保费比为4.26,在PMFBY下为4.59。它建议通过在PMFBY下花一卢比,农民收到了索赔或4.59卢比。在NAIS下,在NAIS和51.57的PMFBY下,保险与农民的保费比率为38.70,这表明PMFBY的保险额较高,并给定卢比。可以看到,就被保险,覆盖面积,索赔报道和支付的农民而言,PMFBY的表现比NAI的表现更高。通过提高意识和及时支付索赔,可以进一步提高PMFBY的覆盖范围。



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