首页> 外文期刊>Journal of International Business Policy >Governance in energy democracy for Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and opportunities for partnerships at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec

Governance in energy democracy for Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and opportunities for partnerships at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec


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This study provides a public policy framework for the governance of energy democracy toward meeting the United Nation's SDGs, and proposes guidelines for policymakers on designing partnerships that promote renewable energy. An increasing number of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and public organizations are prioritizing energy democracy and decarbonization strategies by investing in renewable energy. However, I argue that energy democracy is not "just" about opening up the energy sector to large-scale renewable energy investments. I explore the challenges facing the implementation of energy democracy through a qualitative study conducted from 2013 to 2020 of wind-energy investments at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico. A key challenge preventing energy democracy and renewable energy partnerships with indigenous communities at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec is the lack of good governance - corruption, poor accountability, and limited access to information about energy and the environment. Wind-energyinvestments implemented under the understanding of Partnerships for the Coals may offer sustainable alternatives for reaching the goal of Energy for All and mitigating climate change according to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
机译:这项研究为能源民主的治理提供了公共政策框架,以实现联合国的可持续发展目标,并为设计促进可再生能源的合作伙伴关系提供了政策制定者指南。越来越多的跨国企业(MNE)和公共组织通过投资可再生能源来优先考虑能源民主和脱碳策略。但是,我认为能源民主不仅仅是向大规模可再生能源投资开放能源部门。我通过一项从2013年至2020年在墨西哥Tehuantepec的地峡进行的风能投资进行的定性研究探讨了能源民主实施面临的挑战。在Tehuantepec的地峡,与土著社区的能源民主和可再生能源伙伴关系的一项主要挑战是缺乏良好的治理 - 腐败,责任不良以及对能源和环境的信息获取的机会有限。根据2030年可持续发展议程的说法,在理解煤的合作伙伴关系下实施的风能投资可能会提供可持续的替代方案,并减轻气候变化的目标。



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