首页> 外文期刊>Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology >Leptospira autumnalis isolated from a human case from Avadi, India, and the serovar's predominance in local rat and bandicoot populations.

Leptospira autumnalis isolated from a human case from Avadi, India, and the serovar's predominance in local rat and bandicoot populations.


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Leptospira were successfully isolated from the urine of an Indian patient who had been clinically diagnosed as having leptospirosis. In an attempt to determine the source of this infection, 28 rats (Rattus rattus) and 58 bandicoots (Bandicota bengalensis) living in the vicinity of the patient's home in Avadi, a suburban area of the city of Chennai (Madras), India, were then investigated. Each animal was checked for infection by microscopical examination of fresh and stained urine, serological analysis of serum, and the culture of urine and kidney samples. Direct, dark-field, observation of fresh urine samples and examination of urine samples after Fontana's silver staining were found to be the least sensitive of the tests used. The results of the serological microscopic agglutination test (MAT) indicated that four (14.3%) of the rats and nine (16.1%) of the bandicoots had significant agglutinins, predominantly for the serogroups icterohaemorrhagiae and autumnalis. Leptospira were isolated from at least one culture of samples from one rat and each of four bandicoots. Each of these rodent isolates and the human isolate were typed as Leptospira interrogans serovar autumnalis.
机译:从一名临床诊断为钩端螺旋体病的印度患者的尿液中成功分离出钩端螺旋体。为了确定这种感染的来源,居住在印度金奈(马德拉斯)市郊区阿瓦迪市的患者家附近的有28只大鼠(Rattus rattus)和58只班杜鹃(Bandicota bengalensis)。然后进行调查。通过显微镜检查新鲜和染色的尿液,血清的血清学分析以及尿液和肾脏样品的培养来检查每只动物的感染。在Fontana的银染后,直接​​在暗场中观察新鲜尿液样本并检查尿液样本是所用测试中最不敏感的。血清学显微镜凝集试验(MAT)的结果表明,四只(14.3%)大鼠和九只(16.1%)土匪具有显着的凝集素,主要针对血清群黄疸出血和秋季。钩端螺旋体是从至少一种来自一只大鼠的样品的培养物中分离出来的,并且是四只土匪的每一个。这些啮齿动物分离株和人类分离株均被分类为问号钩端螺旋体血清型秋季。



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