首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the Association of American Geographers >Is There Really a “Wrong Side of the Tracks” in Urban Areas and Does It Matter for Spatial Analysis?

Is There Really a “Wrong Side of the Tracks” in Urban Areas and Does It Matter for Spatial Analysis?


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Sharp socioeconomic differences between adjacent neighborhoods run counter to Tobler’s first law (TFL) of geography and call into question the blanket application of smoothing techniques designed to handle spatial autocorrelation. In a recent project, large socioeconomic differences between adjacent neighborhoods were observed coinciding with physical features at the neighborhood boundary such as rivers, parks, railroads, and highways. Literature on urban form suggests mechanisms by which these features might create or maintain socioeconomic differences.We therefore test whether the presence of physical features on neighborhood boundaries is associated with greater socioeconomic disparity between the neighborhoods and whether the types of features less easily crossed are more strongly associated. The study area was the city of Glasgow, Scotland. We used vector data to determine which of N = 1,914 neighborhood boundaries coincided with physical features, a well-validated measure of multiple deprivation to assess differences in socioeconomic character across these boundaries, and linear regression to assess associations. The presence of physical features was weakly associated with greater socioeconomic difference across neighborhood boundaries (B = 0.193, p = 0.006). Water (rivers/canals; B = 0.378, p = 0.005) and open spaces (B = 0.283, p = 0.016) were most strongly associated. The presence of physical features, however, was neither necessary nor sufficient for large interneighborhood differences in socioeconomic character. We thus confirm that TFL is not infallible and suggest that spatial analysts need to be concerned about the blanket application of spatial smoothing. Physical features do not hold influence of sufficient size or consistency to guide when and when not to smooth values in spatial analysis, however.
机译:相邻社区之间明显的社会经济差异与Tobler的地理第一定律(TFL)背道而驰,这使旨在处理空间自相关的平滑技术的全面应用受到质疑。在最近的一个项目中,观察到相邻邻域之间的社会经济差异与邻域边界的自然特征(如河流,公园,铁路和公路)相吻合。有关城市形态的文献提出了这些特征可能造成或维持社会经济差异的机制,因此我们测试了邻域边界上物理特征的存在是否与邻里之间更大的社会经济差异有关,以及是否更容易穿越的特征类型是否更为强烈相关。研究区域是苏格兰格拉斯哥市。我们使用矢量数据来确定N = 1,914个邻域边界中的哪些与物理特征相符,对多次剥夺进行有效验证的度量来评估跨这些边界的社会经济特征的差异,并使用线性回归来评估关联。身体特征的存在与跨社区边界的更大社会经济差异之间存在弱关联(B = 0.193,p = 0.006)。水(河流/运河; B = 0.378,p = 0.005)和开放空间(B = 0.283,p = 0.016)联系最为紧密。然而,对于社会经济特征上的巨大隔壁差异而言,物理特征的存在既不是必需的也不是足够的。因此,我们确认TFL并非万无一失,并建议空间分析人员需要关注空间平滑的整体应用。但是,物理特征没有足够大小或一致性的影响来指导何时以及何时不进行空间分析中的平滑值。



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