首页> 外文期刊>Animal Cognition >Discrimination of painting style and quality: pigeons use different strategies for different tasks.

Discrimination of painting style and quality: pigeons use different strategies for different tasks.


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Birds have visual cognition as well developed as humans. Sometimes, the birds show visual discrimination similar to humans, but the birds may use different cues. Previous reports suggest that global configuration cues are salient for humans, whereas local elemental cues are salient for pigeons. I analyzed the discriminative behavior of pigeons with scrambled images because scrambled images keep the local elemental cues of the original images but lose the global configuration cues. If pigeons use local elemental cues, then, they should show transfer of discrimination from the original images to their scrambled images and also transfer from the scrambled images to their original images. In Experiment I, I trained pigeons on painting style discrimination (Japanese paintings vs. Western impressionist paintings) using either the original or scrambled images and found that the pigeons showed bidirectional transfer. In Experiment II, I trained pigeons on discrimination of "good" versus "bad" paintings using children's paintings. The birds showed poor transfer from the original images to their scrambled images and vise versa. Thus, the pigeons discriminated good and bad paintings based mostly on global configuration cues in this case. These results suggest that the pigeons use different cues for different discriminations. Copyright Springer-Verlag 2011
机译:鸟类具有与人类一样的视觉认知能力。有时,鸟类会表现出与人类相似的视觉辨别力,但是鸟类可能会使用不同的提示。先前的报告表明,整体构型线索对人类很重要,而局部元素线索对鸽子很重要。我用加扰的图像分析了鸽子的辨别行为,因为加扰的图像保留了原始图像的局部元素提示,但丢失了全局配置提示。如果鸽子使用局部元素线索,那么它们应该表现出从原始图像到扰乱图像的歧视转移,也应该从扰乱图像转移到原始图像。在实验一中,我使用原始图像或混乱图像对鸽子进行绘画风格辨别(日本绘画与西方印象派绘画)训练,结果发现鸽子表现出双向转移。在实验二中,我训练鸽子用儿童画区分“好”和“坏”。鸟类显示从原始图像到加扰图像的转换很差,反之亦然。因此,在这种情况下,鸽子主要根据全局配置线索来区分好坏画。这些结果表明,鸽子对不同的判别使用不同的线索。版权所有Springer-Verlag 2011



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