首页> 外文期刊>Analytical methods >The fast and direct characterization of blue-and-white porcelain glaze from Jingdezhen by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

The fast and direct characterization of blue-and-white porcelain glaze from Jingdezhen by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry


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This study evaluated the classification of blue-and-white porcelains of Jingdezhen during the Ming Dynasties based on elemental concentrations measured by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The blue-and-white porcelains of the Ming Dynasties are subdivided into three periods: Hongwu (HW), Xuande (XD) and Wanli (WL), representing the early Ming, middle Ming and late Ming Dynasties, according to Fe-Mn-Co distribution and Co content. We propose Fe/Mn ratio and Co content in the light-blue areas as criteria for the classification of blue-and-white porcelains of Jingdezhen. The reference values for Fe/Mn of HW, XD and WL are 11.9 +/- 0.39, 2.31 +/- 0.54, and 7.09 +/- 2.07 mg g(-1), while the cobalt concentrations of HW, XD and WL porcelains are <100 mu g g(-1), 500-600 mu g g(-1) and >2500 mg g(-1), respectively. Other elements including Li, B, Mn, Ni, Cr, Ho, Pb, Th, U and rare earth elements can also assist in the classification of the blue-and-white porcelain. Further measurements of more blue-and-white porcelains need to be analyzed using LA-ICP-MS to get more elemental concentrations and create a statistical database for blue-and-white porcelain identification.
机译:本研究根据激光烧蚀-电感耦合等离子体质谱法(LA-ICP-MS)测得的元素浓度,评估了明代景德镇青花瓷的分类。根据Fe-Mn-Mn,明代的青花瓷分为三个时期:洪武(HW),宣德(XD)和万历(WL),分别代表明初,明中期和明末。钴分布和钴含量。我们提出浅蓝色区域的Fe / Mn比和Co含量作为景德镇青花瓷分类的标准。 HW,XD和WL的Fe / Mn的参考值为11.9 +/- 0.39、2.31 +/- 0.54和7.09 +/- 2.07 mg g(-1),而HW,XD和WL瓷的钴浓度分别是<100 mu gg(-1),500-600 mu gg(-1)和> 2500 mg g(-1)。其他元素(包括Li,B,Mn,Ni,Cr,Ho,Pb,Th,U和稀土元素)也可以帮助对青花瓷进行分类。需要使用LA-ICP-MS分析更多青花瓷的进一步测量,以获取更多的元素浓度,并创建用于青花瓷识别的统计数据库。



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