首页> 外文期刊>TAO: Terrastrial, atmospheric, and oceanic sciences >Marine DC resistivity and self-potential survey in the hydrothermal deposit areas using multiple AUVs and ASV

Marine DC resistivity and self-potential survey in the hydrothermal deposit areas using multiple AUVs and ASV


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Detecting resistivity and self-potential (SP) anomalies is useful for the exploration of hydrothermal deposits. Using autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) can increase survey effectiveness because it allows stable posture control without a towing wire cable from a ship. We propose a new style for geophysical surveys using multiple AUVs without a towing electrode cable for marine direct current resistivity (MDCR) and SP survey. We used two AUVs for electrical signal transmission and their receiver. We successfully conducted MDCR and SP surveys ill hydrothermal deposit areas using two AUVs with 20 m tow-rods. One AUV was assisted by an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) for monitoring and controlling via satellite and the public broadband mobile communications radiowave. The survey covered an area of about 1 square kilometer, spending only 4 hr observation time near the seafloor with the vehicle's speed maintained at 2 - 2.5 blots at distance between the AUVs of 200 - 300 m during most of the survey. The SP and apparent resistivity were calculated along the main survey line crossing known hydrothermal mounds of sulfide ore. The distribution of the negative SP anomalies obtained in the dive is similar to that obtained from our earlier survey using a deep-tow. The apparent resistivity is generally low (0.2 ohm-m or less) above the mounds. The averaged distance between the vehicles and the averaged altitude are respectively about 250 and 70 m. Therefore, the estimated apparent resistivities are the averaged value to several tens of meters below the seafloor. These positions show good agreement with the locations of blown hydrothermal deposits.
机译:探测电阻率和自电位异常有助于热液矿床的勘探。使用自动水下航行器(AUV)可以提高测量效率,因为它可以在没有船上拖缆的情况下实现稳定的姿态控制。我们提出了一种新的地球物理测量方式,使用多个AUV进行海洋直流电阻率(MDCR)和SP测量,而不使用拖曳电极电缆。我们使用了两个水下机器人进行电信号传输和接收器。我们使用两台配备20米拖车杆的水下机器人成功地对热液矿床区域进行了MDCR和SP调查。一台水下机器人由一台自主地面车辆(ASV)协助,通过卫星和公共宽带移动通信无线电波进行监控。调查范围约为1平方公里,在海底附近仅花费4小时的观察时间,在大部分调查期间,在200-300米的水下机器人之间,车辆速度保持在2-2.5个点。沿穿过已知硫化矿热液丘的主测量线计算了SP和视电阻率。在潜水中获得的负SP异常分布与我们早期使用深拖进行的测量获得的分布相似。土丘上方的视电阻率通常较低(0.2 ohm-m或更小)。车辆之间的平均距离和平均高度分别约为250米和70米。因此,估计的视电阻率是海底以下几十米处的平均值。这些位置与喷发热液矿床的位置一致。



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