首页> 外文期刊>Animal Reproduction Science >Ram effect: Adult rams induce a greater reproductive response in anestrous ewes than yearling rams

Ram effect: Adult rams induce a greater reproductive response in anestrous ewes than yearling rams


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The introduction of rams to previously isolated anestrous ewes ensures induction of ovulation and estrus in part of the flock, and allows for the potential to conceive. However, there is little known about the desirable characteristics of the rams used to induce these behavioral and physiological responses. Adult rams may be more effective than young rams in induction of these responses. The primary aim of the present study was to compare the response in ewes stimulated by adult or yearling rams. During the non-breeding season, two groups of 121 ewes were stimulated with adult (AR) or yearling (YR) rams. When adult rams were used, significantly more ewes had ovulations (78.5 compared with 61.1%) and came into estrus (47.9 compared with 35.5%). There were more corpora lutea per ewe exposed to rams (0.95+/-0.59 compared with 0.65+/-0.51) and per ewe that had ovulations (1.18+/-0.41 compared with 1.06+/-0.25) and a greater conception rate (58.6 compared with 20.9%) as a result. Subsequently, to determine what signals led to the greater response to adult rams, the courtship behavior of adult and yearling rams toward anestrous ewes was compared in 46 pen tests. There were no significant differences in the frequency of any of the recorded courtship behaviors (anogenital sniffing: 21.9+/-3.4 versus 25.7+/-3.2; lateral approaches: 7.1+/-1.5 compared with 9.9+/-2.9; flehmen: 2.1+/-0.4 compared with 2.2+/-0.4; mount attempts: 0.1+/-0.1 compared with 0.1+/-0.1, for AR and YR, respectively), latency to the onset of courtship behavior (13.1+/-7.0 compared with 17.3+/-6.2s) or the time engaged in courtship behavior (173.1+/-24.6 compared with 199.0+/-26.5s). The difference in the signals produced by adult and yearling rams skin glands was assessed by stimulating ewes with masks containing wool from adult (n=45) or yearling (n=48) rams. More ewes had ovulations (24/45 compared with 11/48) and came into estrus (21/45 compared with 10/48) when wool from adult rams was used. As in Experiment 1, pregnancy and conception rates were greater when adult rams were used, another trial was designed to determine if there were differences in mating and mounting frequency between adult and yearling rams. Seven adult and six yearling rams were subjected to three pen tests each with three estrual ewes. Adult rams mounted more (21.7+/-4.5 compared with 9.8+/-0.7) and tended to ejaculate more frequently (2.9+/-0.5 compared with 1.8+/-0.4) than yearling rams. It is concluded that adult rams induce a greater reproductive response in anestrous ewes than yearling rams, inducing a greater ovulation percentage and estrous response in ewes, resulting in greater ovulation numbers, pregnancy and conception rates. This greater stimulation is, in part, explained by differences in the signals provided in the wool (presumably odors) produced by adult rams. The lesser percentage of pregnancies obtained when yearling rams are used may be explained by differences in mounting behaviors and ejaculation frequency.
机译:将公羊引入到先前隔离的发情母羊中,可确保在部分鸡群中引起排卵和发情,并有可能怀孕。但是,对于用于诱发这些行为和生理反应的撞锤的理想特性知之甚少。成年公羊在诱导这些反应方面可能比年轻公羊更有效。本研究的主要目的是比较成年或一岁公羊刺激的母羊的反应。在非繁殖季节,用成年公羊(AR)或一岁公羊(YR)公羊刺激了两组121头母羊。当使用成年公羊时,排卵的母羊明显更多(78.5比61.1%),并且进入发情期(47.9比35.5%)。暴露于公羊的每只母羊的黄体数量更多(0.95 +/- 0.59,相比之下0.65 +/- 0.51),并且每只具有排卵期的母羊(1.18 +/- 0.41,相比1.06 +/- 0.25)以及更高的受胎率(结果是58.6,而20.9%)。随后,为了确定是什么信号导致对成年公羊的更大反应,在46笔测试中比较了成年公羊和一岁公羊对有情母羊的求偶行为。没有任何记录的求爱行为发生频率有显着差异(肛门生殖器嗅探:21.9 +/- 3.4与25.7 +/- 3.2;侧向探查:7.1 +/- 1.5,而9.9 +/- 2.9; flehmen:2.1 +/- 0.4与2.2 +/- 0.4相比;坐骑尝试:AR和YR分别为0.1 +/- 0.1与0.1 +/- 0.1,)求爱行为发生的延迟(相比之下,为13.1 +/- 7.0) (17.3 +/- 6.2s)或从事求爱行为的时间(173.1 +/- 24.6,而199.0 +/- 26.5s)。通过用含有成年公羊(n = 45)或一岁公羊(n = 48)羊毛的口罩刺激母羊,评估成年公羊和一岁公羊皮腺产生的信号差异。当使用成年公羊的羊毛时,有更多母羊排卵(24/45比11/48)和发情期(21/45比10/48)。与实验1一样,使用成年公羊的妊娠率和受孕率更高,另外一项试验旨在确定成年公羊和一岁公羊之间的交配和安装频率是否存在差异。七只成年公羊和六只一岁公羊分别接受三只雌性母羊的笔试。与一岁公羊相比,成年公羊坐骑得更多(21.7 +/- 4.5,相比于9.8 +/- 0.7),射精的频率更高(2.9 +/- 0.5,与1.8 +/- 0.4,相比)。结论是,成年公羊在发情母羊中比一岁公羊诱导更大的生殖反应,在母羊中诱导更大的排卵率和发情反应,从而导致更大的排卵数,怀孕和受孕率。这种更大的刺激部分是由成年公羊产生的羊毛中的信号差异(大概是气味)解释的。使用一岁公羊时获得的怀孕百分比较低,可以通过安装行为和射精频率的差异来解释。



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