首页> 外文期刊>Annals of neurology >Neurologist with vision: Shirley Wray brings a unique viewpoint to the understanding of neuro-ophthalmology - And the field of neurology

Neurologist with vision: Shirley Wray brings a unique viewpoint to the understanding of neuro-ophthalmology - And the field of neurology

机译:有远见的神经学家:Shirley Wray为理解神经眼科带来了独特的见解-以及神经学领域

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Shirley H, Wray, MD, PhD, has long had an interest in neuro-ophthalmology. After completing her neurology training in London, she came to Massachusetts for a fellowship in neuro-ophthalmology at the Howe Laboratory of Ophthalmology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary-and she's been in Boston ever since. She joined the faculty of Harvard Medical School, where she is currently Professor of Neurology, in 1969. Her career has included many teaching awards and mentorship roles, and she has developed an extensive library of educational materials and videos on neurovisual disorders.
机译:Shirley H,Wray,MD,PhD长期以来对神经眼科感兴趣。在伦敦完成神经病学训练后,她来到马萨诸塞州马萨诸塞州眼耳医院Howe眼科学实验室的神经眼科研究奖学金-从那以后她就一直在波士顿。她于1969年加入哈佛医学院,目前是神经病学教授。她的职业生涯包括许多教学奖项和指导角色,并且开发了丰富的有关神经性视觉障碍的教学材料和视频资料。



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